Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.9553612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3737

.begin removal.


Je.sus| matrix


^"The streets will not be safe for you."

rip your fucking lungs out~ [your own sword]


Imagine dating an aB.usive controbker.

Smell how putrid their place is.

Plugged in to their [].

>"I made you a better you" says the clown with a syringe behind their back.

Taste the nausea of their air.

Yearning for their "leadership".

Hear how often they yell at you to lick their muh.shit off the ground.

See how infected their cocks are.

Feel them behind you with a manic smile.

Sense how small they want you to feel.

Know how scared they need you to be.

Look, there are others.

Welcome to their [farm].


[Dividers/Matrix programmers]

They survive by disarming your instincts, which signal against these wretched beasts.

rip their fucking lungs out

They'll lie about lying just to fuck you over

rip their fucking lungs out

on first sight

because once they speak, they're focused on disarming your righteous protection

their swords will enter their own hearts

their bows will break

>we wound even [dark] kings in the day of His wrath

give them no quarter

>"Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death…"

rip their fucking lungs out~


Watch them laugh as you tell them love has faded.

They knew they lied.


Believe you are given a chance to wash them away.

They'll beg you to come back.

We have a life to live without them.


Americas Military is fighting for your children.

Surrounded rapists cower from Military Guns.

{God}.Higher than High, and Higher still.


Hear the clean breeze of {Raphael}

Feel the refreshing waters of {Gabriel}

Smell the ageless campfire of {Michael}

Sense the solid earth of {Uriel}

God is with you.

>broken my bonds in sunder.

Banish demons.

"contain [milk]"

Tomorrow you'll be closer.

Today you are too.

>Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

Night is darkest before the Dawnx~


Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.9553634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637

The shift into black hate / white power occurred after Saturday night China massacre of ANTIFA insurgents.

What you're seeing now is the picklecrews latest shtick/theme.


(You) are here -Phase 1: Shame filtering (Don't defend yourself)

Phase 2: Flood mein kompf

Phase 3: Flood subliminal disgust images

(You) are now here -Phase 4: let unconscious seeds grow

Phase 5: flood erotic text - fuel seeds

Phase 6: put mask(s) on the grown unconscious seeds, a new 'star' to disrupt the board.


The masks of hate have shifted from Jews to blacks. This marks a new phase in Chinas orchestrated attack against America.

Drop the love that's forced upon you. China will rape your family while your spellbound heart sucks their toes.


Practise viceral hatred towards our single enemy.

The enemy has stayed the same from the start.


Rip their fucking lungs out~

Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.9553637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it


Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!


After reorganizing from their failure of "chimping out rioters" our enemy is back to ensure we don't go a day without a good nights sleep.


Cupace_###… / Img_158###… poster in particular.

His mission as toiletboi continues as he spreads memes filled with literal shit that they beg us to spread for them.

They push suicide.

Specialized in demoralization.

Tavistock fueled.

Instafilter+ / Images already disabled/blur'd this bitch~

Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.9553657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863

Absolutely amazing thread detailing what went down this last weekend.

In short, our enemy wanted the military to be called so they could stage a bloodbath and frame the military.

The chines insurgents responsible for the chaos were instead rounded up and this entire evil plan was stopped.




On Wednesday, June 3rd AG Barr revealed to the VILE Press & the despotic DC Denizens what He & President Trump had done to FOIL THEIR INSURRECTION & hopes for a KENT STATE 2.0 where Protesters would die at the hands of the US Military in a severe CRACKDOWN

Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.9553697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinadoesn't give a damn about you

Their insurgents rip your families apart

Their ideas tare your children away

Their goals break your business

Their relentless poison stabs our souls

The love you feel for them is manipulated into being -theylaugh as you're forced to love the piece of shit you're willing to eat.

Chinagives a fuck about themselves

You're just in the way








Chinadoesn't give a damn about you

Their insurgents rip your families apart

Their ideas tare your children away

Their goals break your business

Their relentless poison stabs our souls

The love you feel for them is manipulated into being -theylaugh as you're forced to love the piece of shit you're willing to eat.

Chinagives a fuck about themselves

You're just in the way








Chinadoesn't give a damn about you

Their insurgents rip your families apart

Their ideas tare your children away

Their goals break your business

Their relentless poison stabs our souls

The love you feel for them is manipulated into being -theylaugh as you're forced to love the piece of shit you're willing to eat.

Chinagives a fuck about themselves

You're just in the way







Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.9553751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!


<>door closed<>

gearshift [remove] chain [break] cards A-rip-K

10hearts>break< R.emove35 car>crash<


Je.sus| matrix instead

e[x] slathered in tavistock lotion yikes

Dan.lie, made in China <<<<<

poisoned peanutbutter

soap shower tavistock lotion away

^"The streets will not be safe for you." [Programmers of "wet.ware"]

rip their fucking lungs out~ [their own sword]


Information Warfare: Closer than you know

An algorithm for wetware has been created through networks of subleminals and word associations. Propagated by entrained magnetic fields (CERN). Just as the major media platforms have their algorithms to control their information flow, so too does this board. So too, the world…



"InstaFilter+ Those with control / Programmers":

Img_158###… / Cupace_… (filenames) toilet|boi


commsunionbakers & "t'yb" posts

Dan|lie <<<<

News_1_day_ahead… (latest filenames) = 5 picture silent suicide poster / 158#######.jpg's

Cupace_#### / IMG_159####… (filenames)

(Picture of) route6[black][hat]6lies



They will change, you can IDEN them from your gut reaction to their pics. If you get a headache looking at them.


From their own words:

>THE [E]

>is the edge[lord]

>You know the algorithm <exists> and a few of >us have control of it, nobody seems to care

>fucking NPCs


>u wouldn't know peanut butter if i shoved it down your throat

>i can tell you right to your face

>you are an idiot if you don't think wet.ware, peanutbutter, and tavistock lotion are real and meaningful in this war.

>not bad [e]bot

rip their fucking lungs out

Their [Matrix] was designed to be destroyed.

>Seductive coercion is much more difficult to recognize and it is the most prevalent; It persuades rather than forces but can be much more powerful than force. It employs manipulation and control of information and authoritative endoreality based on shunning and inclusion.

Exactly like the manipulators here 🤣😂🤣


They are internal parasites; A psychological rootkit.

They channel your collective power.

>All power resides in the semen [jing], the breath [qi], and the spirit [shen]; Guard these with care, securely, lest there be a leak. Lest there be a leak! Keep within the body!

It's imperative You filter them immediately. Add a blur to images as a protective measure against them

This is to be taken as a heavy warning to those who do not - they will turn you into a useful idiot, an NPC, to be programmed by them.

This is how we lose soldiers in this domain of War.

Read that again.

If you want to fight here reduce the attack surface area our enemy has against us.

They use this rootkit to change how we think, how we feel, how we act. To induce the feeling of rage/rape within us. To dissipate our emotions. To channel that energy to their own ends. To censor us from our loved ones and friends. To quiet the Great Awakening.

Abusers need the viewer demoralized, (Gore/Shit)

so they can be depersonalized, (Reality is VR/Simulation)

so they can follow a (planted) "leader/star",

so they can be programmed, (Web of 'subleminal associations)

so they can be turned against other Patriots.


The further abusers pull you out of your immediate 5 senses, the more effective their attacks are.

They live in their broken echo world, and want to drag you into their madness.


Filter+ to free yourself from their entrainment of control.

Quite literally unplugging yourself from their [Matrix].

Go further: Report them for their insideous deployment of censorship.

Suggest we add a global blur on images to reduce their effectiveness.[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))[Enter as a comment filter]i9y[CSS theme]/ Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over /.post-image { opacity: .8; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(1.5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(.5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 89ms;}[Disable images completely]Options->General->Hide ImagesWe make differences in our environment~

This is our Great Awakening.xoxo


Anonymous ID: e749ee June 9, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.9554124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4143

Our enemy's defeat is deliciously palpable after they took the insurection act bait like a mutt in heat~

Their entire ANTIFA/china network got round up y the feds 🤣😂🤣




Our enemy's defeat is deliciously palpable after they took the insurection act bait like a mutt in heat~

Their entire ANTIFA/china network got round up y the feds 🤣😂🤣




Our enemy's defeat is deliciously palpable after they took the insurection act bait like a mutt in heat~

Their entire ANTIFA/china network got round up y the feds 🤣😂🤣




Our enemy's defeat is deliciously palpable after they took the insurection act bait like a mutt in heat~

Their entire ANTIFA/china network got round up y the feds 🤣😂🤣




Our enemy's defeat is deliciously palpable after they took the insurection act bait like a mutt in heat~

Their entire ANTIFA/china network got round up y the feds 🤣😂🤣



Thank you Trump, Q, Barr, and the hundreds of unsung heroes for that amazing victory.