What if the riots where a way for the D party to justify 'putting down' the progressive wing (which was NEVER going to vote for Biden) of their party and secure Black votes for Biden? Watch the D's abandon the far left after they've gotten what they need.
It's that same old game anons:
French revolution:
The Jacobins were an elite political club which once had a membership of about 420,000. Their members were professionals and financially well off. They were the bourgeoisie and included many titled individuals, a rare few genuine peasants with new found wealth and education, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists and Bankers.
The "Sansculottes" were the urban poor, laborers, craftsmen, artisans and shopkeepers who were "Street Smart" and were the main protesters and demonstrators of the Revolution. They were the essential tools of the Jacobins, but they would never have been welcomed into the Club nor could they have afforded the price of membership.
eat a dick, he can speak how he pleases. what do you have to offer?
ok, that was funny