now that chinavirus is over, foreclosures can resume. People are losing their homes Q – this is destroying families that were on the brink to begin with. How is that helping MAGA?
you weren't here for the last bread, I guess
is that you, Don LeMon?
you've been waiting since high school to use that one, haven't ya Spigoli?
too bad I was hoping that whole crossfit fuckery would burn to the ground with him
she's a race biter
I did NOT see that coming
fuck off faggot.
yeah Vern?
what's he doing
oy vey
>we all saw it gone
>I don't care if there were 100 Gorge Floyds in one week, these liberal lunatics are willing to throw away the most free, the most fair, the most even playing field in the history of humanity, for the act of one man against another.
it's a fucking SETUP
do we have to spell it out for you?
that's a shock
alright then.
that's fine
they love that shit