Anonymous ID: 45c8e2 June 9, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.9556356   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pathetic if they are really trying to use this Harvard info to push "second wave" BS. Most of my family/friends WORLD WIDE had crazy reparatory crap last fall, apparently including family acquaintances traveling from China/Hong Kong and European family members. How was this missed if it was a plague to end all plagues?! WHO didn't say 'nuffin', travel went on as usual. Only a plague when Democrats realize they have no nominee who can win?


If there is an effort to start "new wave" of "coronavirus" fear pandemic then we need to ask: How did you miss it the first time DS (dip shits)?

Anonymous ID: 45c8e2 June 9, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.9556451   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Interesting trips there "187". Yes, I agree. I have been perplexed over the whole "defund police" thing. I have experienced small town policing that seemed more about "local funding" (speed traps and small potatoes stops for "light out") than "public safety". I got to the point I "strongly dislike" police based on 6 stops for "infraction" in 10 months.


I think the point is that some people resist "law and order" while others embrace it because of the freedom it gives to people who want to live decently. If local people are free to pick representatives via voting and we don't have an entrenched bureaucracy then policing in whatever form is chosen by the governed will reflect the "will of the people" and not "extraction via exaction and taxation". Process crimes, shouldn't be "crimes", imo.