Anonymous ID: 532b2a June 9, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.9556269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am going to black mirror Q and all the elite about lying about pole shift.

A question about the Atlantic rift (European tsunami): I found that it might be crucial to know how far up the North Atlantic the rift will go. If, for instance, it will tear up to the longitude of, say, Portugal, it will take so and so many hours for it (tsunami travels about 720 km/h) to reach England and later Norway. If it tears up to Iceland (pity them) it will only be a few hours to reach t. ex. Norway. If it tears all the way up to as far as the rift goes, it will be a matter of an hour or so, before it reaches the northern coastal line of Norway. Norway has a long coastal line, and large cities with many people, will be heavily affected by this, as goes for the other countries in Europe. Have I missed something, because I cannot find the specific details regarding this. Question is, how far up (and maybe "down") will the Atlantic rift (after the New Madrid adjustment) reach?


Of course the northern Atlantic Rift is most vulnerable at the Azores, where three plates touch and movement in any one of them destabilizes the rift. Africa is tugging to roll to the East, and drop, and will do so before the European tsunami occurs. This makes the separation of the N American Plate from the Eurasian Plate at the Azores and upward quite vulnerable. We have stated that the Atlantic Gulf Stream will carry the tsunami primarily against the coast of the UK, so the major rip point would occur slightly south of the UK in the center of the Atlantic. The top of the rip will be west of Paris. The rip will primarily occur where the hot spots along the Atlantic Rift indicate weakness in the crust, and down to where the African Plate has already pulled away from an attachment to the American plates. Iceland will be spared during the 7 of 10 scenarios.


You will be black mirrored

Anonymous ID: 532b2a June 9, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.9556342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6347 >>6397

How viable is planet-x and all this poleshift stuff anyway without

really quoting anything from the zetatalk website ?

We know that various scientists over time have looked for "some mass"

out there for various reasons without the influence of zetatalk. In

fact, a Dr. John Murray has postulated the existence of another mass,

possibly a planet or brown dwarf, just 2 or 3 years ago due to the odd

movement of local comets. Most of us know John Anderson of JPL

considered a large mass out there as well in the early eighties. If it

is a dark body, emitting no light or reflecting little/no light, it

would definately be tuff to see with normal scopes, an infrared scope

being preferable! Nevertheless, as scientists we have to agree that,

at times, and even still today, there is evidence that there is

possibly a mass somewhere close by, influencing, at least

gravitationally, our local system.

To the extent in which a large body could influence our planet

magnetically is another question altogether. Many physicists will tell

you the magnetic field doesn't have the range required to cause such

an influence, despite the magnetic field's density in question, but

also cannot explain why a magnetic field does what it does. We also

know at least our Van Allen belt stretches some 4000 miles into space,

but the moon is also 238,000 some miles out. However, the earth has

gone through magnetic reversal of the poles, numerous times, because

of something. From what we understand of our Earth's core and

internals, it is extremely unlikely that a "poleshift mechanism"

exists internal to the Earth, so logically one would consider an

external reason. Yet, from typical ideas of magnetic fields and their

reach, it seems such a magnetic influence is unlikely to be possible.

This, however, is all on the basis of typical understanding of

magnetic fields and their interactions amongst themselves and

matter/energy. There is evidence that there a magnetic field stretches

throughout the galaxy, but only to the point of influencing stellar

dust particles. The source of which is considered be some to possibly

be the center of our galaxy, which is a black hole! If it is true that

some stretching magnetic field exists for an 'endlessly sucking'

blackhole that negates some physicists ideas that a magnetic field

couldn't possibly reach far enough to have influence. I personally

think this seemingly omni-present, galactic magnetic field is because

of a conglomerance of bodies, but nevertheless there seems to be a

stretching magnetic field throughout the galaxy, or at least 'local'

to our solar system influencing specs of space-dust. Perhaps many of

you know of other speculative/hard evidence to veer our ideas of

magnetic fields and their reach to a more plausable conception ?

So, if typical conceptions of magnetic fields, and their reach, are

incorrect and magnetic fields can reach out farther then we have

direct experience with, what does that mean ? It doesn't mean that the

magnetic influence, in terms of strength we're looking for can exist,

thats for sure. But it DOES mean we need to re-examine the

possibilities that a magnetic field may be able to influence another

body in the manner we're questioning about. So, who would be canidates

Anonymous ID: 532b2a June 9, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.9556347   🗄️.is 🔗kun


in that search for due influence ?

The sun is the biggest object in our system, but hasn't been that much

of a magnetic influence. It's overall field is much weaker then

earth's, and a lot of it's field lines are looped inward throughout

the surface, as they're believed to help induce the leaping solar

flares we see so much. In fact, some believe the sun's pole reverse

nearly periodically. However, recent Ulysses data somewhat refutes

that, as they didn't find the field lines in the proper direction not

too long ago and all other 'hard' evidence has been sitting and

watching particles zip about from earth. Plus, the sun's cycles, where

it is believed the magnetic field reverses for the sun, didn't cause a

poleshift here. The sun is an unlikely canidate.

The other planets seem to be way to far to have any influence, and

fields too weak; they've looped past us or lagged in their orbits

without causing a poleshift. There was no poleshift of any sort when

many aligned on may 5th, 2000. The planets locally to our solar system

are also unlikely canidates. So, if its nothing internal to earth, the

other planets, the sun, nor their magnetic influences(if any) on one

another - WHAT THE HELL IS IT ?

I think carefully watching for this missing mass that keeps popping up

in creditable science communities' theories and

observations/inferences and examining how magnetic fields can induce

one another and matter/energy, on a cosmological scale, are essentialto uncovering this mystery. If there is a cosmologicalreason forpoleshifts we will find out eventually through science and wonder

dammit !But on a personal note, I just can't get out of my head the manyancient societies who had accurate astronomy and calendars attuned toour solar system's body cycles while scientists keep finding preservedplant life in northen siberia, antartica, and around the articcircle (not fossils! and YEAH, like it GREW there!), and WE KNOW theearth goes through poleshifts of some sort. In fact, many scientistsare thinking they happen quickly, NOT gradually over time!

Anonymous ID: 532b2a June 9, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.9556601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has this point of no return been reached? Long past, thought the establishment is still talking about it as though it were an option, a future issue, and the public like sheep unaware and waiting to be herded in whatever direction the arrogant establishment chooses for them. They assume a level of awareness in the general public to be less than a dog or crow or wild boar would have, to be brain dead and not thinking at all outside of the canned explanations in the news and entertainment arranged for them on TV. They presume no ability in the common man to sense danger, to sense an utter lack of attention in the news or by the government to what they sense is of immense importance, and thus they already have been informed of the cover-up by this step alone! The Sun extremely bright, red dust drifting down, the weather erratic without end, a trembling earth and devastated economy worldwide with no plan whatsoever beyond the obvious plan of giving no attention to these geological issues whatsoever. This says, loud and clear, that:


the establishment knows, and is deliberately choosing not to talk about it

the establishment is not talking about it because the taxpayer and average citizen is not included in any plans for safety or care.

since the establishment knows, they are presumably arranging to take care of themselves

the lack of concern for economic problems but extreme emphasis on invading and controlling oil producing nations shows this establishment plan to be international, a broad reach plan

if the establishment is trashing the existing infrastructure, allowing bankruptcy and unemployment to continue unabated, they expect what is coming to be even more devastating

if it is going to be that severe, and no warning is being given to the common man, then the establishment is no better than a common murderer, and should be treated accordingly.


Thus, if the establishment fears the common man will no longer deem them to be the leadership, they need worry no longer. This point has been reached. It hardly need be said that after the pole shift, when the current establishment straggles forth and expects to be greeted warmly, that they will get an entirely different response. They may as well all board a shuttle and attempt to head for Mars, as life on this Earth for them in the future will be no better. Doomed in either case.

Anonymous ID: 532b2a June 9, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.9556663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The elite are at a loss as to how to control the populace, and have had many plans on the drawing board or floated out for a text.


Grocery Clubs

One effort early on, which we warned about, was grocery clubs, where belonging to a club was supposed to give you discounts and provide you with food when or if shortages should occur. Since the crop shortages in the US and Europe did not reach the point of creating panic in the public, this plan was put aside as admitting that stores were low and about to affect food on the shelves would cause more problems. Nevertheless, crop shortages were worldwide, starting in the 2000 season, though unreported almost entirely, and starvation appeared in many areas not affected previously.


Work Camps

Another plan was to create work camps, to transfer strong workers there with job offers, and we have warned against this early on. This may still arise, but would be in response to workers unable to be supported by workman’s compensation, or government handouts, and to date this has been viewed as the least disruptive means of getting past mass layoffs in the populace, job losses. In other words, if the grocery club or work camp would raise more questions than it would resolve issues, the plan is not implemented.


Cling to Religion

Clearly, the Christian ultra-right supported by the Bush Administration has attempted to funnel the poor to the churches, which we mentioned in the Bush Plan write-up some time ago. They would close public schools, and send the students to church run private schools, despite evidence that inferior progress is made. This continues to be funded, but the evidence on progress reports has slowed this plan, so it has become in essence dead.


Terror Alerts

Now that the Shuttle Columbia has been torn apart in the skies, deflating thought of escape to space, and Mars probe problems were endless, the elite is thinking about how to survive with the populace. Since they cannot admit what they know, they are trying to package this in terms of terrorism. A recent alert had the public keeping 3 days supply of this or that, and taping up their windows with duct tape and plastic sheets. At the same time, of course, all should go to work normally, so opening the door negates the taping and securing of air flow, utterly illogical. As we mentioned, entertainment time is about to begin! Now the statement has been issued that the information the Homeland Security department was basing this on proved false. An embarrassment, as they were hoping the public would react like drones, buying tape and sealing windows, and none of this occurred!