Anonymous ID: 1344c8 June 9, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.9557304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7416


The first posting with the article was >>9550541

and did have in the article the possibility of a disused CG station at Point Reyes, CA that could be become a zero reference point so the reported position would be off. Today's AIS is a modern part of the older GMDSS (Global Marine Distress and Safety System) that has been around since the mid-90s at least. AIS is the part that reports a vessel's position, course, and speed and most times destination. From what I saw of the Navy reports, there were serious difficincies in both equipment function and crew training aboard the DDGs. Think of it as part of the "No-Fault" Navy that never went away. Could there have been GPS fuckery deliberately done to mask the true positions of the nearby merchies, most certainly. Have I suspected certain yachts were up to shenanigans, and not just glitches in the maritime sites I use? You Betcha. I must include that many times I have looked up a decommissioned ship looking for a photo and been shown a map position near Springfield, MO as a default location.

Anonymous ID: 1344c8 June 9, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.9557414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7464


SAMADHI is in Palm Beach, looks like southern part of exclusive Rybovich Marina. Spielberg's SEVEN SEAS is nearby. Les Wexner's LIMITLESS is underway off the Florida coast