Rally bread are coming back soon, and there is so much low-hanging fruit in the blue states that the national popular vote is in sight, and assures a 500+ electoral vote landslide ; what habben to filter sped? hit 35% bred-shit earlier today
he is breddy pissed at nowfags….and after doing that, the expectations have just been cubed…these will be the most interesting five months since……?
blue state governors will try and ban rallies for as long as possible fearing they have a lot of easy pickings….so expect rallies just over the state boarders…like Indiana, instead of Illinois…Utah…Arizona…
"The Generals" all broke bad now…Powell, Kelly; Matis….and senator Romney "led the chrage" at the BLM rally…can you believe MR 47% did that? listen to how disingenuous he sounds when he says black lives matters ; guys like Sasse will start, then Graham and McConnell will pile on … all the lifers ; term limits are the next most important thing after voter ID
none of the reds are turning blue….which blues are turning red?