These jackasses in DC took the black lives matter banner off the fence, and have now attached it between two working street lights.
I bet they could burn city hall down and get away with it.
I've seen her in the street several times with a megaphone. I guess we are lucky she isn't a senator.
In addition to other crimes, black lives matter and antifa are probably guilty of wire fraud and money laundering.
There is no picture of me online except for maybe unidentified in a concert crowd.
I think Portland Police just announced for the non-violent people to leave the area.
May, 2020: "Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant advocated for a militant mass movement to publicly take over Amazon in a weekend Tweet. The Tweet comes after Sawant pushes to rally anti-Amazon councilmembers into a dubiously titled “Amazon tax” that targets hundreds of local businesses during an economic downturn. And it’s the latest escalation of dangerous rhetoric with a wink and a nod towards her violent Antifa base of support.
Sawant doesn’t have a significant Twitter history of calling for militant resistance, but she’s done it twice before. It’s noteworthy that, in the past, Sawant accompanies “militant” action with a note to be peaceful or non-violent.
When she protested against a travel ban by President Donald Trump, Sawant promoted “militant non-violent” action. Similarly, when protesting in favor of #NoBanNoWallNoRaids, Sawant called for “peaceful & militant mass resistance” against Trump."
Charging delivery fees based on the race of who owns the company has to be illegal.