Anonymous ID: 0e8af4 June 10, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.9559891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9900 >>9912 >>9917 >>9934 >>0250 >>0332 >>0495


because fuck history


Sauce -


BOSTON (CBS) – A Christopher Columbus statue in Boston was beheaded overnight.


The statue in Christopher Columbus Park on Atlantic Avenue in the North End was surrounded by crime scene tape early Wednesday morning as the head lay on the ground.

Columbus was one of the first Europeans in the New World, credited by many for discovering America. However, critics say his trip began the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Columbus is also criticized for his violent treatment and killing of Native Americans, who see him as a racist.


There has been a push across the country to get rid of the Columbus Day holiday in October and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day.

This statue has been the target of vandals in the past.


The head was also cut off back in 2006. The statue was doused with red paint in June 2015 with the words “Black Lives Matter” spray-painted on the base.


In Richmond, Virginia Tuesday night, protesters tore down a Columbus statue and threw it into a lake. This comes amid a new push to take down controversial statues across the country.


If you have any information about the Boston incident, please call Boston Police.

Anonymous ID: 0e8af4 June 10, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.9560005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0022 >>0027


Timothy Charles Holm-LESS is a fucking fugitive from justice with a criminal record longer than my arm. He's also a pervert who has a psychopathic interest in sexually abused kids. There are photos of Holm-LESS's son dressed in drag (by Holm-LESS) and then Holm-LESS stands behind the kid, clutching his boob.


Holm-LESS is one sick motherfucker, and he is facing imminent arrest.


So fuck you with your Timothy Charles Holm-LESS bullshit

Anonymous ID: 0e8af4 June 10, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.9560107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


First of all, prove it.


Second of all, anything can be faked. I once set up a sting to catch a guy who was attempting to defraud a court in a western state. At the time, the state allowed DUI defendants to provide independent analysis of drug and alcohol tests. The guy wanted his "independent lab" results to be faked, because the real results came back positive.


He knew I was a computer software whiz (at the time) and he asked me to fake his lab results for him. I declined and he threatened to harm my family and me, saying, "it's too late. You know too much now. You have to do it."


So I said, "You got me. You're right. I know too much. Okay, I'll to it."


Then he told me exactly what kind of fake document he needed, and I produced it for him.


Before I gave him the phony drug test results that I created, however, I had a chat with my local police detectives and district attorney's office. I told them that this asshole wanted me to produce fraudulent drug test results, and the guys was preparing to file them with the court.


They told me to "GO FOR IT."" They said I should create the forged results and if the guys was dumb enough to submit them, he would be arrested on the spot.


So I met the guy at court, on the day of his hearing. I handed him the forgery I created for him (under duress).


The dummy turned it in to the court, and he was arrested right there, in the gallery, and hauled off to jail.


The last thing the judge said, as the scumbag was being walked out of court, was:


"The court thanks the person who was commissioned to create this forgery for coming forward. In my opinion, these fraudulent drug results look as real and valid as any legitimate results that this court has seen. If the person had not come forward, the man would have gotten away with this. So, whoever you are, thank you for informing us of this. The court is aware that you have suggested we implement changes into our procedures, given how easy it is to create forged documents, and we shall do so."




So forgeries are a dime a dozen, asshole, and I'm sure Holm-LESS is using one.


What about his pedophiliac tendencies? Why do you defend those?


He's as much of a predator as Field McConnell, who was videotaped admitting that he has inappropriate fantasies about minors.


So, like I said, FUCK YOU.