Anonymous ID: 69c721 June 10, 2020, 6:41 a.m. No.9559802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9988

Dr. Shelby Steele: The Combination of White Guilt and Victim Mentality is Not The Solution

Posted by sundance

Well-regarded author Dr. Shelby Steele appears for an interview with Martha MacCallum to discuss race relations in the U.S. and how the politics of white guilt does nothing to improve black lives. Dr. Steele challenges the victim narrative and discusses how policies focused on victimization do not empower the strength of any community.


Candidate Joe Biden defined the blackness of black people by saying if they did not support him “you ain’t black.” Obviously the strategy to campaign on this issue was made in the days prior to the South Carolina primary. What we see now is a continuation of that plan. However, the pandering is over-the-top; and there are indications of a backlash from within the black community.


It does not matter what your race, ethnicity or skin color is, no-one likes being talked down to. The nature of the leftist political effort by the DNC’s white coastal elites is based on expressed superiority in alignment with the ‘you ain’t black enough’ outlook from presidential candidate Joe Biden.


This approach will predictably backfire, bigly, in part because campaign director James Clyburn himself is detached from current political sentiment by his age and class-structure. It’s 2020 knuckleheads.


The democrats are poll-testing their approach, but the audience responding to the polls are just more leftist elites. The Democrats are defining an Alinsky strategy through their own biased prism of race. Then they ask opinion of that strategy to a closed and cloistered echo-chamber. It is a circle of racist stupidity.


Outside the DNC ideological bubble, where real people live, work, interact and enjoy each-others fellowship, what the Democrats are trying to do is so fraught with cringe that ordinary people are embarrassed to associate with the effort. This is a big part of the reason why their heavily coordinated and scripted effort is not gaining traction.


Black people do not want the police to be defunded, by leftist activists and trust-fund protestors who don’t even live in the neighborhoods where police are needed, any more than any other person does. Common sense exists within every race.


Racism at it’s basic U.S. form is defined by economics; limo-liberals have the greatest likelihood of actually being racist. Blue-collar middle-class America doesn’t sit around wasting time thinking about race and class struggles. Each individual tries to live their best life and do the best they can for their family…..

Anonymous ID: 69c721 June 10, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.9559819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Business Leaks Donald Trump’s Sweeping Visa Reform Job Plan


Like Sundance always says, there’s trillions at stake

President Donald Trump will decide by Thursday whether to suspend the visa worker laws that now allow Fortune 500 companies to import their own compliant workforces instead of hiring Americans, says a leading immigration lawyer for major U.S. companies.


The information was leaked because opponents want Congress and companies to launch a last-minute campaign against the draft Executive Order, said Greg Siskind, an immigration lawyer based in Memphis, TN.


“What we are told is that Trump is planning on making a decision, a final decision, on the scope of this proclamation by June 11,” he said in a Facebook chat. “That’s two days from now.”


The pending Executive Order will temporarily bar the inflow of H-1B, L-1s, and H-2B seasonal manual workers, plus some categories of J-1 workers, said Siskind. It will also order new regulations to limit the use of foreign workers who are imported via the H-1B and Occupational Practical Training (OPT) programs, he said.


The policy will allow American voters to choose in November if they want to keep the curbs, Siskind said.


“In 147 days, there’s an election, and if [Joe] Biden gets elected, I can promise you that the order would be — probably on the first day — be rescinded,” Siskind said.


But Trump used the same issue to help win the 2016 election. “I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program,” he said in March 2016. “No exceptions.” He followed up on Inauguration Day by promising a “Hire American” economic policy.

Numerous polls show that Americans want to like legal immigrants. But those polls also show most Americans strongly prefer that every American has a job before the government invites more legal immigrants, especially amid the coronavirus crash.


The H-1B program keeps at east 600,000 foreign workers in white-collar jobs throughout the United States, including many Fortune 500 companies. The little-known multi-year L-1 program keeps hundreds of thousands of foreign workers in a wide mix of white-collar and blue-collar jobs, ranging from gas stations to Google, usually on home-country salaries. For example, India’s L-1 workers can be paid a little over the U.S. minimum wage, even if they are engineers.

Anonymous ID: 69c721 June 10, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.9559896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0077 >>0332 >>0495

EXCLUSIVE: State Dept Goes To War With Fired IG, Accuses Him Of Breaking Chain Of Command To Protect Himself From Past Investigation


This should put to rest Grassleys request demanding to know why the asshole was fired. I wonder if this came out the media first was to answer his question.

Though Linick briefed State Department leadership on the report’s findings, he did not submit the full written report nor a summary, despite continued requests from his immediate superiors at State. In fact, State Department leadership did not even receive a written copy of the report until June 2, 2020 as a result of a congressional inquiry from Engel, who is leading House Democrats’ probe into Trump’s firings of multiple inspectors general in recent months.


Bulatao noted that had Linick made “an appropriate referral to CIGIE,” it “would have produced a final report that Department leadership could review and assess whether there may have been inappropriate conduct in Mr. Linick’s office.”


Bulatao added that State’s June review of Fine’s report illustrated three additional suspect actions on Linick’s part.


First, he sent a password-protected draft of his original 2019 report to his personal email 8 times in the days leading up to The Daily Beast’s article. Second, he opened a “parallel investigation” into other State Department officials regarding the “same misconduct” his own office was being investigated for, creating “both a real and apparent conflict of interest.”


Third, Bulatao claimed that a “pattern” of leaks on the subject have continued, citing a report from CNN titled, “Fired State Department inspector general was cleared in leak inquiry prior to his removal, sources say,” that was published prior to State’s receipt of the DoD IG report on Linick’s office.


“Even though no one at the State Department other than Mr. Linick had a copy of the DOD Inspector General’s report,” he wrote, “CNN ran a story on May 28, 2020 that the DOD IG report had exonerated Mr. Linick of leaking.”


Multiple news reports suggested that Pompeo petitioned Trump for Linick’s firing in order to kill investigations into his behavior as Secretary of State. Linick testified on his firing and investigations into Pompeo during a closed door Congressional hearing on June 2, 2020, during which he accused Bulatao of repeatedly trying to “bully” him.