Anybody heard of this Timmy Holmo guy?
Word on the street is that he's the official reporter for Q.
You're off Team Timmy now.
Holmo doesn't tolerate followers that don't know how to embed YT vidyas here.
Timmy Holmo already moar popular than Pamphlet is.
He doesn't need to be in your unauthorized by Q Notables anyways.
Q said it is ok to donate to Timmy's Patreon.
He's the only paytriot authorized by Q to profit off the movement.
POTUS said so in the letter Timmy read to us.
No need to lie POTUS already said it was ok in the letter.
Polly is on Team Timmy he authorized her latest vidya.
I hear ya but he's got a letter from POTUS vouching for him.
I don't have an authorization letter from POTUS.
Do you?
You need to go easy on Timmy Holmo's ass if you don't have a letter.