i expect a lot of knowitallanons will piss all over this w/o even bothering to check it out, but…
i think there's a bunch of notable stuff in this post http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3239.htm
i expect a lot of knowitallanons will piss all over this w/o even bothering to check it out, but…
i think there's a bunch of notable stuff in this post http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3239.htm
and there it is… you do not disappoint. instead of me making an exhaustive list that would fill a SSD, here's a thought…
WDIM sauces all of their stories with hot links to the original sources. you gonna piss on them all? lazy fuckwit.
that's weak BS. i've copy/pasted stuff from WDIM here many times, and it almost always becomes a notable. go KYS shill.
not mil, but i *believe" rig for red refers to surface operations, since red light is only visible to observers VERY close by.
not famefagging, just making a POINT. i'm nobody.
lots of the hot links on WDIM are to official US gov't sites, and US mil news sites. IGNORANT ASSHAT.