Guise my first college level class in psychological was the mid 1970s, at that time my professor said that Washington State had the highest amount of suicides in the nation. He says the scientific consensus was the constant change of barometric pressure and the incredible amount of rain. Side note, dentists have the highest suicide rates of any medical profession. While these facts below point put the culprit as being guns, it’s not so, it’s the weather and also anarchists and communist revolutionaries have taken over the state for many years. According to these stats guns are the problem, imo it’s lily livered Democrat, progressive policy and the complete destruction of any moral authority in their lives. It’s gonna get a lot worse for the city and the state
Note: take everything with a grain of salt, all info is from WA state university, CDC and NIH
King County
Suicide Rate = 12.84/100,00
In a study of King County firearm suicides and suicide attempts, 65 percent of children and adolescents used weapons stored in their home.
The King County suicide rate has increased by about 18% in the last decade.
Firearm injury is the leading cause of suicide death in King County.
Seattle-Tacoma has the second highest suicide attempt rate out of the 33 largest metropolitan areas in the United States.
Washington State
Suicide Rate = 15.78/100,00
Suicide is the #2 cause of death for 10-24-year-olds.
Firearms were the leading method of suicide for both males and females.
In 2014, 1,111 Washington residents died by suicide.
American Indians and Alaska Natives die by suicide at a higher rate than every other ethnic and racial group.
From 2012-2015, 77% of suicide deaths were males.
Source: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
While the above graph shows a relatively low suicide rate for those younger than 19 years old, more 10-24-year old youth die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
United States
Suicide Rate = 13.0/100,00
One person dies of suicide every 12.3 minutes.
Suicide is the #10 leading cause of death overall.
Females attempt suicide three times as often as males, though males die by suicide at four times the rate of females.
Despite having a much lower suicide rate overall, the firearm suicide rate in the U.S. is six times that of other high-income countries.