2018 isn't five years ago.
The first Amazon.
My apologies, anon. Bad resolution is bad resolution.
March 22 2018 to June 10 2020
A few days behind now?
Oh, and here is anon's heartfelt support for Senator Ron Johnson.
Would you look at Strzok's moniker.
Was thinking about this earlier. Funny, after all her "Dumbledore is gay" bullshit that Rowling decides trans is a barrier to cabal bowing.
Nope. Was broken earlier today, too. But you made it!
Surely someone will tell anon what it really means before it's buried in the bullshit MSM for another couple of years.
Yea! Canada will abort America's black babies!
It's gonna be a rare pepe evening.
In honor of your appreciation.
Didn't work for Greta.