This happens like 3 times a week. I don't know why people can't just use the index and leave it alone.
Or genuine discontent and concern. But you idiots call anyone and everyone a shill, so going against the official narrative here is somewhat pointless.
Fuck off, Randy.
So is prostituting yourself for cheeseburgers instead of getting a job.
As do I, Anon. Hence why I don't have a job.
How many times do I have to filter you ffs
It always amazes me the sheer volume of people who can't figure out how to just click 'Index' instead of 'Catalog', especially given the frequency that this happens. Intelligence is the exception not the rule anywhere you go, it would seem.
An insecure old fool revealing his true form. Under the "brother brother brother" routine, Cornell West is a poverty pimp and a scumbag.
Bruh we've been here.