Fellow Compatriots,
I disagree with the anons who think the PSA was from Q. When there is a PSA, it is usually official and on a more public venue. I believe the PSA Q is referring to is the POTUS telling us that he designated the belligerents as terrorist.
Speaking to the present moves and countermoves that we just witnessed in recent current events:
*The bait was set in post 997 when Q stated that the pope will have a terrible May
*Fast forward to the present, the cabaal began to panic with May coming to a close and they feared the TRUMP card being played
*They do not know wha the TRUMP card is. They can only imagine it has to do with evidence, but I know exactly what it is, but I will not reveal
*Pharaoh and jezebel put out the directive to execute the pre-rehearsed FF event with the objective of instigating riots and conjuring a civil war
*The civil war was meant to clog the news cycle and last till Oct, so they cast their spell and gave the orders to commence the day after Pentecost
*On 5/25/2020, the FF commenced, and the day after the pre-planned riots commenced (5/26/2020)…protect king at all cost
This move from the cabaal was a panicked attempt to use the knight to try and check a Castled King by using precious ammunition
*The Patriots observed, “called the ball” (made adjustment) when they witnessed some of the leadership in the states were not taking proper RESPONSIBLE action
*The ball was called on 5/30/2020 via Q post 4630, then POTUS made the PSA that the belligerents were to be designated as terrorist on 5/31/2020
*Q gave the acknowledgment with the green Light via post 4384 on 6/1/2020
*POTUS activated NG, Esper put up smoke (and mirrors) and Barr sent out the Fed SWAT units to systematically dismantle the instigators
*By 6/3/2020 the Fruit of the Patriots actions started to show and the riots were becoming impotent
*There was chatter about a massive march on DC for 6/6/2020, but it did not manifest, and POTUS announced he was sending the NG home on 6/7/2020
*The PSA announcement of the terrorist designation was a strong CHECK move, because now the puppet masters were no longer just funding activist groups, they would be funding terrorist organizations…..BRILLIANT!!!
*The Patriots systematically defended, dismantled, and turn the tables on one of the cabaal’s main pieces of ammunition in less than a week
*It was supposed to cause chaos until Oct, but it only lasted less than a week, because of the action of the Patriots
*Lessons were also learned about who will be mutinous, and how quick we can deploy
My analysis of things to come:
We are currently in a short calm before the TRUE STORM
*Q has brought up RED OCTOBER, in which I perceive to have a two-fold meaning
A. Q implies RED OCTOBER to reference a comm blackout in the “continental US.”
-This may point to the cabaal using extremely aggressive censoring tactics on the Patriots
B. It probably also means that someone is defecting from the cabaal to inform the Patriots
-Q post 4429 concerning Archbishop Vigano’s letter to POTUS may be a clue
*The cabaal will attempt more unrest, possible using the fake court case of the police and they will try to fake a 2nd wave Covid…EPIC FAIL!!!
*The CHECK MATE move for the USA Chess game will occur in the near future prior to the Nov elections
*Revelation 6:4 is the CHECK MATE move for the Patriots, which is the GREAT SWORD given = SWIFT JUSTICE
*POTUS recent tweet was extremely prophetic, “They’ve gone so far Left that they eat their young.”
*The tweet points us to the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6. The black horse rider holds a yoke in hand, and I believe this to have a two-fold meaning. 1st it is a removal of the yoke of bondage, and 2nd it is the yoke of unity. After the CHECK MATE move, there will be unity in the USA, and the bondage that killed our “Life, Liberty ,and the Pursuit of Happiness,” will be removed, and our True Republic will be Resurrected/Restored….ministry of Elijah
*The tweet also points to the time of Elisha, when there was such a severe famine in Israel, that there was a woman preparing to eat her child and share it, but Elisha prophesied a miraculous turn of events. The fulfillment of Elisha’s prophecy was a wealth transfer from the wicked to the righteous. I believe we will see a massive, MIRACULOUS wealth transfer from the wicked to the righteous in the near future….stay tuned, trust the plan aka the Will….Rev 4:11
I hope this analysis helped some of you who are not understanding the miracles that are occurring, and to see more clearly.