Anonymous ID: dee873 June 10, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.9566848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6863 >>7101 >>7234 >>7518

Syrian Authorities Arrest British Intelligence Spy In Palmyra (Video)


Syrian authorities announced on June 10 that it had arrested a spy of the British intelligence in the ancient city of Palmyra in eastern Homs.


The spy was identified as Muhammad Hussein Saud, a street cleaner who worked for ISIS after it captured Palmyra in 2015. During his time with the terrorists group, Saud collected dead bodies of Syrian soldiers and civilians and threw them in the desert.


After spending a while with ISIS, Saud fled Palmyra to take refuge in the U.S.-occupied 55 km zone around al-Tanaf.


In al-Tanaf, Saud joined a British-backed armed group for a while. Once Palmyra was secured by the Syrian Arab Army he took the decision to return. At that moment he was approached by the British intelligence which asked him to work as a spy from there.


“The British learned, through brokers, and they said: You will work as a spy. We will help you. Go to Palmyra, they will give you money and phones and provide you with everything you need. The task is to photograph important sites for the Syrian intelligence and the Russian and Syrian armies there. I had to send these pictures over the Internet,” RT quoted Saud as saying.


Saudi added that the British intelligence was interested in information about the protection of Russian sites in Syria so they could later plan terrorist attacks on them.


According to RT, Saud was a part of a British intelligence cell led by a former tour guide. It remains unclear if any other members of the cell were apprehended.


The information provided by Saud indicates that the al-Tanaf base is being used by the US and the UK for forward intelligence operations. A number of U.S.-backed fighters, who defected from the base earlier this year, also revealed information about the hostile actions of the base.

Anonymous ID: dee873 June 10, 2020, 5:51 p.m. No.9566903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7101 >>7234 >>7518

Leaked 2015 Democrat Memo Warned Lawmakers ‘Don’t Offer Support’ for ‘Radical’ Black Lives Matter


A leaked 2015 internal Democrat Party memo warned top House Democrats not to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement because it was described by the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as a “radical movement.”


The memo, from then-DCCC official Troy Perry addressed to “DCCC Staff” on Thursday Nov. 19, 2015, noted that the Democrats’ 2016 presidential candidates “have struggled to respond to tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement.” Perry was at the time he wrote this the DCCC’s Director of Diversity and Public Engagement.


BLM Memo


“While there has been little engagement with House candidates, candidates and campaign staff should be prepared,” Perry wrote.


The DCCC is the official arm of the Democrat Party charged with electing Democrats to the U.S. House of Representatives. When this 2015 memo was drafted, Democrats were in the minority in the U.S. House—seeking a return to the majority that they did not achieve in the 2016 elections as now President Donald Trump won the White House and the GOP held its House majority riding the president’s coattails. Later, though, Democrats would win the House majority back in the 2018 midterm elections.


Perry warned recipients of his memo in the next line that it was top secret and confidential—not to be shared with anyone. “This document should not be emailed or handed to anyone outside of the building,” he wrote. “Please only give campaign staff these best practices in meetings or over the phone.”


But the document ended up leaking through hacker Guccifer 2.0 in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election late in the summer of 2016, just after Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton had secured the nomination and the general election kicked off.


In the two-page memo, the then-DCCC official Perry described Black Lives Matter as a “radical movement” intent on ending “anti-black racism.”


“Though police abuses are a central component, the founders view the movement more broadly,” the Democrat memo reads.


It continues by noting that Black Lives Matter also seeks “Criminal Justice Reform,” particularly “sentencing reform, ending prison industrial complex, police reform: referring to hiring, training, and unfair policing tactics.”



Anonymous ID: dee873 June 10, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.9566938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7023 >>7101 >>7169 >>7234 >>7304 >>7518

NASCAR Bans Confederate Flag from Its Races and Properties


NASCAR has banned the Confederate flag from all events and properties


NASCAR bans Confederate flag from its races and properties By DAN GELSTON AP Sports Writer The Associated Press

NASCAR banned the Confederate flag from its races and properties on Wednesday, formally distancing itself from what for many is a symbol of slavery and racism that had been a familiar sight at stock car events for more than 70 years.


The move comes amid social unrest around the globe following the death in police custody of George Floyd, an unarmed black man in Minneapolis. Protests have roiled the nation for days and Confederate monuments are being taken down across the South — the tradtiional fan base for NASCAR.


Bubba Wallace, NASCAR’s lone black driver, called this week for the banishment of the Confederate flag and said there was “no place” for them in the sport. At long last, NASCAR obliged.


“The presence of the confederate flag at NASCAR events runs contrary to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors and our industry,” NASCAR said. “Bringing people together around a love for racing and the community that it creates is what makes our fans and sport special. The display of the confederate flag will be prohibited from all NASCAR events and properties.”


The move was announced before Wednesday night’s race at Martinsville Speedway where Wallace, an Alabama native, was driving a Chevrolet with a #BlackLivesMatter paint scheme. Wallace got a shoutout on Twitter from several athletes, including NBA star LeBron James, for using the paint scheme in the race.


The flag issue has been a thorny one for NASCAR. Former chairman Brian France in 2015 tried to ban the flying of Confederate flags at race tracks, angering many fans.


NASCAR did not address how it would enforce the policy or indicate any penalties for fans who violate it by bringing the Confederate flag to the track. NASCAR has not raced with fans since the sport resumed last month amid the pandemic and was expected to have minimal fans allowed at races this month in Florida and Georgia.


Confederate flags still fly high atop infield RVs and are waved by fans in the grandstands at most tracks. NASCAR has been more open in recent times to the eradication of the Confederate flag. Several drivers — including two-time Daytona 500 champion Denny Hamlin — said they supported Wallace in his quest to rid the sport of the flag.


The predominantly white field of drivers united over the weekend for a video promoting social change. A black NASCAR official, Kirk Price, took a knee before Sunday’s race near Atlanta in what may have been a first for the series. Wallace wore a black T-shirt with the words “I Can’t Breathe” at the race.



Anonymous ID: dee873 June 10, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.9566993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7008 >>7009 >>7031 >>7102 >>7139 >>7148 >>7389

First Lady of New York City Says Police-Free New York “Would Be Like Nirvana, a Utopia” – Says She’s Proud of Daughter After Arrest


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray were interviewed this week by TIME Magazine this week.


Charlane McCray said she was proud of her daughter who was arrested last week in anti-police protests.


Mayor de Blasio then attacked police for leaking out that the mayor’s daughter was arrested in the ongoing anti-Police street protests.


During the interview Chirlane McCray weighed-in on the nationwide movement to defund police departments. The cop-hating First Lady of New York City described a cop-free NYC as a “nirvana” and “utopia.”



“That would be like a nirvana, a utopia that we are nowhere close to getting to,” McCray said during a TIME100 Talks discussion.


“They can do things that would not be possible in a large city like New York,” McCray added, referring to the dismantling Minneapolis Police Department.

Anonymous ID: dee873 June 10, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.9567032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7562

Air Force Will Pit a Drone Against a Fighter Jet in Aerial Combat Test


The U.S. Air Force will pit a drone against a fighter jet in an aerial combat demonstration next year. It's just one example of how the service is gunning to change the character of warfare, top officials say.


Last week, Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan, head of the Pentagon's Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, revealed that the Air Force Research Lab is working on an "autonomous system to go up against a human, manned system in some sort of air-to-air" test in July 2021. Speaking during a Mitchell Institute event, he said the test will be an indication of how the service's outlook is growing when it comes to the next dynamic battlefront.


"The drones we're exploring fit into the broader concept of, 'It's time to not talk about X-generation aircraft, it's time to talk about next generation air power,'" Dr. Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics, said Tuesday when asked about how the test fits into the service's larger drone enterprise.


"The drones we're exploring are this 'next thing' that make a ton of sense to put on top of your stealth [fighter] advantage – the ability to push something forward," he said during a video chat, also hosted by the Mitchell Institute.


The futuristic drone "can be a sensor for you, it can be a jammer for you, it can be a shooter for you," Roper said. "It's detecting for you … and all the other things your imagination could dream up, that's what we're dreaming up."


That's especially true when it comes to leveraging artificial intelligence-driven drones to lead in the battlespace, he added. Roper has not been shy about using the Air Force's Skyborg project as an example of how AI can augment an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter or F-22 Raptor team sent out to conduct strikes.


"No one has flown with a digital pilot," he said of Skyborg, which seeks to pair AI with a human piloting a fighter jet – training with its pilot, acting as a sidekick, rapidly thinking through problems and taking command if necessary.


Last year during the Paris Air Show, Roper said discussions were ongoing within the Air Force about the need for a proposed sixth-gen fighter concept, which could be the successor to F-22s and F-35s. But he also said the service is likely to choose something more elaborate.


"I think that's going to be a hallmark of sixth generation of air superiority," he said Tuesday of the drone-fighter pairing.