Anonymous ID: 16b6c8 June 10, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9568518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8544 >>8578 >>8724 >>8776 >>8999

Will Hillary Clinton Testify?


“Judicial Watch Attorney Ramona Cotca, who presented the argument, has been the key lawyer on this email case since the beginning” – Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update as he congratulated her on her work on the case.


With Hillary Clinton’s testimony still up-in-the air after her recent writ of mandamus (appeal) to the court – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton can only speculate as to the direction the case will take. Nonetheless, in Fitton’s words “if the court is following the law, we’ll win, if not, we’ll lose,” highlighting, in his view, a straightforward right or wrong outcome.


As you might recall, initially “even the Justice Department couldn’t stomach” her writ of mandamus appeal, Fitton affirms. Now, however, “we can’t even get the Justice Department to come in and argue against Hillary Clinton, even though they know she’s legally wrong – and have told the court in writing that she is!” “We just want to get through these Clinton email cases, we just want to end them and keep it behind us,” Fitton stated as he paraphrases the DOJ’s characterizations of the case.“They don’t have one wit of concern about the misconduct, about the accountability,” he continues. However, despite the DOJ’s disagreement over her appeal, Fitton asks Attorney General Barr:


“Why on earth would you allow your attorneys to come into court and basically dismiss the concerns of tens of millions of Americans about the misconduct of Hillary Clinton?”


As Judicial Watch awaits clarity on the case, Fitton confirms that the organization has been given the green light “to get a subpoena from Google on Clinton’s emails. It looks like one of her email vendors might have sent all of the emails to Google,” he continues. Furthermore, in that investigation, Judicial Watch has uncovered “a remnant of emails that hadn’t been turned over.” Clinton’s response, in Fitton’s words, continues to be “what difference does it make?” “The fact that the Justice Department is in court saying they just want to get it behind them is completely outrageous,” Fitton concludes.

Anonymous ID: 16b6c8 June 10, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.9568614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The One and Only George Carlin Explains How the Game is Rigged, “It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t in It”!

Anonymous ID: 16b6c8 June 10, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9568637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8682 >>8776 >>8999

Sonnie Johnson Calls Out Republicans in White House Meeting with Trump


President Donald Trump on Wednesday met with Breitbart News contributor Sonnie Johnson, the host of Sonnie’s Corner on Sirius XM, and other black conservative leaders at the White House.


“I’m probably the most Trumpish out of everybody in this room,” she said as she began speaking at the meeting. “So you’re going to have to forgive me.”


Other guests at the meeting included radio host Wayne Dupree, political consultant Raynard Jackson, Fox News host Lawrence Jones, Pastor Darrell Scott, and Kareem Lanier of the Urban Revitalization Coalition, Inc.


The group met with Trump to talk about the George Floyd protests and reforms that were necessary for the black community.


“The black community is not doing okay,” Johnson said. “I understand the perspective and the desire to put out this talking point, but it’s not.”


Johnson cited problems with black communities stuck in the systematic struggles with city and local Democrats on issues like education and highly regulated cities. She said:


They are not going to change until we have a Republican party that is willing to go into these communities and actually offer a choice. The only choice that we get is left or either further left, and we’re not getting the opportunity to actually vote on what we look at as conservatism equally applied.


Johnson recalled that as a billionaire, Trump was noted for taking pictures with Snoop and the other icons of hip-hop.


“You did that I think, and you can tell me if I’m wrong, because you saw capitalists, you saw branders, you saw entrepreneurs, you saw people that were willing to take a chance and make things grow,” she said. “That is us. That is the black community.”


She recalled that Black Lives Matter gained strength in the Ferguson, Missouri, riots, citing the Justice Department report that showed local officials using the police to generate revenue for the city.


“That was causing over-policing,” she said. “It is not the fault of the police nor is it the fault of the citizenry, what the legislature and the executive branches of city government are putting into legislative practice.”


“Very good. Well stated,” Trump replied. “Thank you Sonnie, I appreciate it.”

Anonymous ID: 16b6c8 June 10, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.9568686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8776 >>8999

UKC News: Inside Britain’s Shadow State, Using COVID Crisis to ‘Reset’ Society


As the Coronavirus crisis winds down, government officials remain desperate to squeeze every last drop of leverage to advance more control policies during the extended ‘lockdown’ phase, and to use the illusion of a continual crisis as convenient cover to ‘reshape government’ and implement further “New Normal” social engineering measures, keep schools shut, as well as kill-out what is left the SME and independent business sector. However, behind the facade of a clapping Boris Johnson, an opaque shadow government is busy running COVID propaganda operations targeting the public, as well as restructuring the NHS – not for COVID, but more likely for future privatization of health services in Britain, and also prepare for the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution. All this and much more.


Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with the midweek round-up. Watch:

Anonymous ID: 16b6c8 June 10, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.9568774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8782 >>8999

Senate at logjam over changing 'qualified immunity' for police


Qualified immunity is emerging as a key sticking point in the congressional debate over reforming the police.


The legal doctrine, which can protect police officers from civil lawsuits, is facing fresh national scrutiny in the wake of George Floyd’s killing in the custody of Minneapolis police.


But what, if anything, to do to change it is creating deep divisions in Congress, just as lawmakers are trying to find a larger deal.


A Democratic proposal would make sweeping overhauls to the legal doctrine. But GOP senators, backed by the White House, say changes are largely a non-starter.


Asked about the chances that overhauling qualified immunity ends up in a final police reform bill, Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Republican, indicated that, based on early conversations with members, many would not be able to support it.


“That may be, you know, a bridge too far for a lot of our members,” he said.


Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who is spearheading a Republican police reform proposal, said that he believes a host of provisions supported by Democrats, including ending qualified immunity, would not have enough support to make it into a final package.


“I don’t see how those things get to the finish line,” he said.


Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said that he wanted Congress to get a bipartisan deal but that some proposals, like eliminating qualified immunity, “would be a lot more controversial.”


“It’s a tough job under any set of circumstances and to have lawsuits filed which sort of flyspeck what you did or didn’t do at a time when you didn’t know whether you know, somebody is trying to kill you or not. … I think you need that sort of balancing of interests that qualified immunity provides,” Cornyn said.


Scott and a group of Republicans are drafting a police reform bill responding to Floyd’s death that could be released as soon as this week. That bill, according to multiple GOP senators, is not expected to end qualified immunity.

Anonymous ID: 16b6c8 June 10, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.9568819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats exploit well-meaning passions in cities seeking relief


There are many tragic ironies unfolding since even before the death of George Floyd. As we see sincere people demonstrating for change in this country regarding how people of color are treated within policing and the justice system, Democrats and left-wing leadership see this righteous activism as an opportunity to reinforce the status quo.


I say this as a former community organizer for the left a great deal of my adult life. Whenever there was an issue on which people could be “organized” the goal was always to increase that rage and concern in order to access as many people as possible. For the Democrats, marches based on outrage and people gathering to protest are the most effective means with which to gather names and to expand political influence. The horrible irony is the passion of these well-meaning citizens is being exploited by the Democrats and their “social justice” handmaidens to actually maintain the political status quo.


In the aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s death, millions and millions of corporate dollars are pouring into the Democratic and left-wing establishment “social justice” organizations. Once again, the good intention is to help spur “change” in the inner-city and for people of color in this country after watching, for decades, nothing improves for people in cities such as Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Baltimore and Detroit.


Voter registration efforts are a focus of the Black Lives Matter organization, the NAACP and other Democratic-allied organizations. The message seems to be that the more you vote if you are a person of color in an urban area, the more your voice will be heard and the better your life will become.


But how has that been working out? Is the suffering endured by people living in cities run by Democrats somehow going to change by voting in more of the same?


The arterial message with Democratic crisis voter registration is that it is Republicans who are evil and at fault. All of this is President Donald Trump’s fault, and voting in more Democrats such as former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is going to, somehow, improve everyone’s lot in life.


But that, of course, is a lie. The cities suffering from the most economic and social injustice are cities that have been controlled by the Democratic establishment for years, and in most cases, for decades.