What exactly do they mean by "Free" Capitol Hill? Ate they saying the territory occupied is no longer a part of Seattle, orvWashington, or the US? There was a county in Texas that did that. Van Zandt County Texas once declared itself a "Free State" not a part of Texas or the US. The military rolled on Van Zandt County, Texas. Why is free Capitol Hill getting a pass so far?
So far Janet Reno makes Bill Barr look like a pussy. She has bigger balls. But yes, she rolled tanks on a religious compound inside the US. What's so special about Antifa. Fun trivia spell Antifa backward. Afitna… look it up.
This is insurrection. It can't stand. People need to see it results in busted heads and military tribunals for organizers.
Grew up a cowboy kid on a cattle ranch. Throw some bricks at my house and the dormant cowboy will activate. Grew up doing hard work, working while injured, working in the cold rains, chopping drinking holes for cattle with an axe on frozen ponds, working all day in 100 degree heat, branding cattle, taking bulls balls and horns off. These Antifa soy boys couldnt stand toe to toe with a cowboy.
That's an uncorrected hermaphrodite