Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.9570008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0192 >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

FBI knew Steele’s Russia research connected to Clinton, Dems from earliest interactions


Senate investigators seeking to obtain FBI notes, emails from summer 2016 detailing first interactions with Steele's Russia research.


Notes and emails that have been kept so far from Senate investigators show the FBI knew from its earliest interactions with Christopher Steele in July 2016 that his Russia research project on Donald Trump was connected to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.


The information, so far mentioned only glancingly and in footnotes of a Justice Department report, could provide the Senate Judiciary Committee with the most powerful evidence yet to confront witnesses about why the bureau concealed the political origins of Steele’s work from the FISA court.


“So far the bureau is slow-walking this stuff,” a source familiar with senators’ frustrations told Just the News. “We need to see these sort of documents before we question key witnesses.”


Chairman Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) is seeking a vote later this week to authorize subpoenas that would compel the Christopher Wray-led FBI to produce witnesses and outstanding documents for the committee's investigation of the Russia investigators.


The effort to acquire the original source materials began last December after DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his explosive report blaming the FBI for 17 mistakes, omissions and acts of misconduct in seeking a FISA warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


While the headlines since that report have mostly focused on FISA abuses, Senate investigators have also zeroed in on a handful of little-noticed passages in Horowitz's narrative that reference original FBI source documents showing what agents and supervisors knew about Steele, the former MI6 agent, and the firm that hired him, Fusion GPS.


It wasn’t until late October 2017 that the public and Congress first learned that the law firm Perkins Coie, on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, hired Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS research firm to have Steele delve into Trump’s Russia connections.


And FBI officials have been vague in their explanations about when they knew Steele’s research was tied to Clinton and the DNC and why they did not explicitly inform the FISA court that the Steele dossier used to secure the warrant was funded by Trump’s election opponent.

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.9570037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0056 >>0084 >>0087 >>0192 >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

Trump to Inslee Amid Seattle Antifa Revolt: 'Take Back Your City NOW. If You Don't, I Will.'


As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, calling it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill,” Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has refused to act, and Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) actually laughed about this open revolt, claiming he hadn’t heard about it. He did say, however, that he was demobilizing the National Guard. President Donald Trump told Durkan and Inslee to get their acts together, stat.


“Radical Left Governor [Jay Inslee] and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before,” the president tweeted. “Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”


President Trump is correct — this is not a game. Roughly 500 Americans live in the six city blocks that antifa militants have claimed in the name of their revolution. The anarchists in the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” appear to have set up an extortion racket to blackmail local businesses into forking over supplies.


Yet Jay Inslee appears to think it is a game.


Indeed, the antifa rebellion may be a matter for President Donald Trump to send in the military. This is arguably a case for the Insurrection Act of 1807, which allows the president to deploy the military and the National Guard to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. President George H.W. Bush last used the act in the 1992 Los Angeles riots.


As PJ Media reported:


The antifa rioters appear intent on creating an autonomous state, not unlike the ISIS-run territories in the Middle East or the surrounded proto-communist experiment of the Paris Commune in 1871. (The Paris Commune was a key moment in the history of socialism and communism. It lasted between March and May 1871, after the Prussians had defeated the French in the Franco-Prussian War and were besieging Paris. Karl Marx called it an example of the “dictatorship of the proletariat.”)


As in the case of the destructive riots, this antifa anarchist action demands a firm law enforcement response. While the radicals may think they are achieving something by staging an open rebellion, they are merely reminding Americans of how important law and order truly are.

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.9570064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0192 >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

Jay Inslee Laughs About Antifa's Rebellion in Seattle as He Demobilizes National Guard


As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, calling it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill,” Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) laughed about this open rebellion, saying he hadn’t heard about it. Inslee added that the National Guard is demobilizing, and his chief of staff suggested that even if an open rebellion had broken out on the streets of Seattle, it would be up to “local authorities” to fight it.


“Passing the buck” doesn’t even begin to cover the insanity of this “response.”


A reporter asked Inslee about the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone during the governor’s press conference on Wednesday, noting that the antifa militants had shut down part of the city and were “not allowing people to come and go freely.” He did not mention the fact that antifa had commandeered the Seattle Police East Precinct.


“That’s news to me. So, I’ll have to reserve any comment about it. I have not — I have not heard anything about that… from any credible source,” Inslee said, with a chuckle. “Not that you’re not credible, it’s just before I espouse and opinion I should know of which I speak.” He laughed again after giving this response.


If the governor of Washington has not heard about the open revolt taking place in the state’s largest city — in the Capitol Hill district, no less! — then he is utterly incompetent. But his next response proved equally insane.


The reporter responded with a follow-up question, asking whether or not Inslee would bring in the National Guard to open up the city when “protesters” had erected barricades to block streets.


“You know, that’s a hypothetical. Look, we’ve got to have safety. I’m sure that people will find a way to have public safety everywhere in the state, I’m confident of that,” Inslee said. “The National Guard is demobilizing, over two-thirds of them are demobilized as of yesterday.”


In other words, wink nod “I have no idea what’s happening.” cough cough “I’m sure everyone will work it out.”

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.9570078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0192 >>0205 >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

Houston chief says investigators should look 'very closely' at history between George Floyd, Derek Chauvin


Houston police chief Art Acevedo suggested on "Your World" Wednesday that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin may have had a personal motivation when he knelt on George Floyd's neck shortly before his May 25 death, and urged investigators to examine the relationship between both men "very closely."


"I know if it was in my city, I would be investigating very closely the relationship with Mr. Floyd and the officer that had that knee on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds," Acevedo told host Neil Cavuto.


"I have a feeling that we may find some kind of conflict that may have led to this individual doing what he did with an abandoned heart and with malice in his heart, which I think will have an impact on the type of charges and the impact on the trial moving forward."


Chauvin and Floyd both worked as security guards at the same Minneapolis nightclub as recently as last year, but details of their interactions are unconfirmed.


On Wednesday, a former coworker told CBS that the two men had a history and that they "bumped heads" on several occasions.


The former owner of the nightclub was unable to confirm details, but the Associated Press reported that she recalled incidents when Chauvin became aggressive during events that drew a mainly black clientele, and would respond to fights by spraying the crowd with Mace.


"I don't think that you can eliminate race in equivalence of the motivation," Acevedo said, reiterating that investigators have to look "deep into his [Chauvin's] past and motives."


Acevedo, who testified earlier Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee on issues related to police brutality and racial profiling, also told Cavuto that he was opposed to the movement to "defund the police," saying that "communities of color and poor communities need us."

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.9570179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0197 >>0199 >>0211 >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

UCLA Prof. Placed on Leave After Refusing to Postpone Exams for Black Students


UCLA Professor Gordon Klein has been placed on leave after rejecting a request to postpone a final exam for black students in response to the death of George Floyd. Over 20,000 people have signed a petition that calls on UCLA officials to fire Klein. When Klein was asked to postpone black students’ exams, he replied by quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin. Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?”


According to a report by NBC News, UCLA accounting lecturer Gordon Klein has been placed on leave in response to a student campaign that has called for his termination.


Klein, who has been teaching at UCLA for 39 years, earned the ire of some members of the UCLA community when he pushed back against a request to postpone the final examinations in his accounting courses for Black students.


Students and faculty at institutions including UC San Diego have argued that universities and colleges should offer “universal passing” grades to Black students in response to the death of George Floyd.


“Thanks for your suggestion in your email below that I give black students special treatment, given the tragedy in Minnesota,” Klein wrote in an email to students. “Do you know the names of the classmates that are black? How can I identify them since we’ve been having online classes only? Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black-half Asian? What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half?


“Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin,'” Klein added. “Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?”


Students published a petition last week in which they called on UCLA to fire Klein over the email. The petition argues that Klein should be terminated because his email violated UCLA’s “holistic” and “inclusive” values.


“We ask for your support now in holding Professor Klein to the same ethical standards he claims to be essential to a holistic and inclusive educational experience, which is what he owes to his students as an educational leader,” the petition reads. “We, the students, refuse to support Gordon Klein any further and demand to see his employment terminated as soon as possible.”


According to the Free Beacon, Klein is under police protection following threats of violence.


Breitbart News reported last week that students at the University of Washington demanded that the university adopt a gentle grading policy for Black students in response to the recent social unrest.

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.9570186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0370 >>0493 >>0546 >>0633

Elmo and His Dad Discuss Why ‘Racism Is a Huge Problem in Our Country’ in CNN Town Hall


Sesame Street teamed with CNN for a town hall on the Black Lives Matter protests around the county, with Elmo’s dad explaining that “across the country, people of color, especially in the black community, are being treated unfairly because of how they look.”


Shouts of “Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter!” kicked off the CNN-Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Families segment, which focused on “standing up to racism.” Elmo, on a split screen with his dad, Louie, asked, “Why are these people together?” followed by a serious of other questions. Louie ultimately told his son that protesters are upset because “racism is a huge problem in our country.”


“They’re gathering together to protest,” Louie said, explaining the meaning. “A protest is when people come together to show they are upset and disagree about something. They want to make others aware of the problem. Through protesting, people are able to share their feelings and work together to make things better.


“They make signs, like this,” he said, holding up a sign reading, “Love, Justice, Peace.” Louie also revealed himself as a protester, telling Elmo of his plans to bring the sign to a protest at the community center “later.”


“They look upset,” Elmo said. “Are the protesters sad?”


“They are sad and upset and they have every right to be, Elmo. People are upset because racism is a huge problem in our country,” Louie continued, explaining the concept of racism to Elmo.


“Racism is when people treat other people unfairly because of the way they look or the color of their skin,” he said, spurring confusion with Elmo.


“The color of their skin? Elmo doesn’t understand, daddy. Elmo has friends with different types of skin, oh, and fur, too,” Elmo said.


“I know Elmo, but not all streets are like Sesame Street,” Louie added. “On Sesame Street we all love and respect one another. Across the country, people of color, especially in the black community, are being treated unfairly because of how they look, their culture, race and who they are,” he continued, adding, “What we are seeing is people saying enough is enough. They want to end racism.”


Elmo concluded that he “wants to end racism too” and asked how he could support his friends. Louie told him he could start by learning, talking about what is happening, and taking action.


Notably, Elmo and his father did not discuss the violent riots — dominated by assault, looting, vandalism, and arson — that have permeated many of the protests over the weeks.


Fox News’s Tucker Carlson unloaded on the segment and “decades of relentless propaganda” that has been relentlessly presented to so many.


“A children’s show,” Carlson said of the town hall segment. “Got that, Bobby? America is a very bad place, and it’s your fault. So no matter what happens, no matter what they do to you when you grow up, you have no right to complain. That’s the message and it starts very young.”

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.9570206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0216 >>0219 >>0221 >>0227 >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

98,000 Migrant-Crisis Asylum Seeker Arrivals Given Permanent Swedish Residency


A total of 98,867 asylum seekers have been given permanent residency in Sweden since the height of the migrant crisis, out of 163,456 who applied for asylum that year.


During the height of the European migrant crisis in 2015, Sweden took in over 163,000 asylum seekers, the highest per capita in Europe and one of the highest total numbers, despite the country’s comparatively small population. Some 80,000 entered the country in two months before the government enacted border controls in November of that year.


According to a report from Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio, 60 per cent of the asylum seekers who arrived that year were granted permanent residency in Sweden, while the rest were granted temporary residency.


Mikael Ribbenvik, Director General of the Migration Board, spoke to the broadcaster, saying: “We had desk lawyers standing in ports and at stations in yellow vests. We arranged 64,000 accommodation places during these months. We got everyone in the system, which was important.”


“Since many people were granted residence permits during those years, this results in increases in applications for family reunification. And then, about five years later, there will also be an increase in the number of citizenship cases,” he added.


Family unification has been a major source of new migrants in the years since 2015, according to several annual migration reports released by the Swedish Migration board.


Between 2010 and 2020, Sweden granted 1.2 million residency permits, with around a quarter being granted for family reunification or 365,000 in total. Asylum permits over the same period amounted to 295,000, while work permits totalled 300,000.


The influx of new people to Sweden has been so dramatic in recent years — and heavily impacting a national population that was comparatively small to start with — over one in five of all people in the country is now born abroad, with 1.9 million residing in the country. 73 per cent of Sweden’s population growth is down to mass migration, and the country has the second-highest rate of growth in the EU.


A rise in family reunification permits has been met with criticism from some, including Anders Knape, the head of SKL, an organisation that represents Swedish municipalities and county councils.


“Much of the family migration will end up, at least initially, in places that already have a strained situation,” Knape said.


Many municipalities across the country have begun to face real financial difficulties after accepting many migrants, including Bengtsfors, which claimed the added costs could force the municipal government to declare bankruptcy without national government aid.

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.9570243   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Breaking China: A rupture looms between Israel and the United States


“In many cases on the surface, the companies that are working in these areas are not primarily focused on military applications, but the capabilities themselves have the potential to be leveraged for strategic impact,” Serchuk said. “Both Israelis and Americans agree that Israeli capabilities should never be leveraged or weaponized against the United States, but figuring out exactly what that means is very tricky.”




In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to ‘marry Israel’s technology with China’s capacity’


Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties


Public Data Doesn’t Capture Extent of Chinese-Israeli Deals, Says Investor


Having spent the past decade living and working in Hong Kong and Beijing, investor Amir Gal-Or is one of the early pioneers of the tightening business ties between China and Israel,7340,L-3740209,00.html

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.9570296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0345

Annexation Now: What is Netanyahu up to?


Why is this most calculating of politicians so ostensibly determined to unilaterally expand Israeli sovereignty into the territories, when the dire potential downside is so clear?


Whenever Israel’s knee-jerk critics around the world are salivating at the prospect of an imminent development, it’s a safe bet that this development is bad news for Israel. Likewise, if the regime in Iran can’t believe its good fortune. Similarly, if the boycott-Israel movement feels the wind beneath its wings.


That’s what’s happening now, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly declares his intention to begin annexing up to 30 percent of the disputed West Bank — potentially covering all the settlements, and the Jordan Valley area — from July 1, subject to American approval. (The move, if it goes ahead, will be formally termed not “annexation” but an “extension of Israeli sovereignty and/or law” to territory where Israel claims legitimate rights.)


It’s not entirely clear what Netanyahu really intends to annex: Will he declare Israeli sovereignty over all of the West Bank land allocated to Israel under the Trump administration’s “Peace to Prosperity” proposal, unveiled at the White House in January? Will he focus first on the 132 settlements, with the Jordan Valley to follow later, as he indicated to settler leaders earlier this week? Or will he begin with the main settlement blocs — the Etzion Bloc, Maa’ale Adumim and Ariel — as some Israeli officials have been quoted saying?




Whenever Israel’s knee-jerk critics around the world are salivating at the prospect of an imminent development, it’s a safe bet that this development is bad news for Israel. Likewise, if the regime in Iran can’t believe its good fortune. Similarly, if the boycott-Israel movement feels the wind beneath its wings.


That’s what’s happening now, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly declares his intention to begin annexing up to 30 percent of the disputed West Bank — potentially covering all the settlements, and the Jordan Valley area — from July 1, subject to American approval. (The move, if it goes ahead, will be formally termed not “annexation” but an “extension of Israeli sovereignty and/or law” to territory where Israel claims legitimate rights.)


It’s not entirely clear what Netanyahu really intends to annex: Will he declare Israeli sovereignty over all of the West Bank land allocated to Israel under the Trump administration’s “Peace to Prosperity” proposal, unveiled at the White House in January? Will he focus first on the 132 settlements, with the Jordan Valley to follow later, as he indicated to settler leaders earlier this week? Or will he begin with the main settlement blocs — the Etzion Bloc, Maa’ale Adumim and Ariel — as some Israeli officials have been quoted saying?


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It’s also not entirely clear where the US Administration stands on the move — which negates the core, negotiated premise of the Trump proposal mere months after the much-anticipated intended deal was unveiled. President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner slapped down Netanyahu when the prime minister declared he’d begin annexing within days of the White House ceremony, stressing that a joint mapping team would first have to complete its work, and that Israel would have to have a fully functioning government.


Recognition by the Trump administration can and likely would be reversed by a subsequent president from the Democratic Party, whose gradual drift away from Israel can only be accelerated by unilateral annexation. Much of Diaspora Jewry is bitterly opposed to the move; much of the rest is discomfited


Cont. from images:

Or is it an overture to some cunning plan to pitch Israel into yet a fourth election, in which rival-turned-partner Benny Gantz is depicted as the obstacle preventing Netanyahu’s planned annexation, and the prime minister, already soaring in the polls, breaches his coalition deal and sweeps to a fresh victory without the radical inconvenience of having to hand over power to Gantz in November 2021?


That possibility, as well, seems just too radically cynical, even in this deeply cynical political era. Doesn’t it?

Anonymous ID: d5d0f5 June 10, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9570305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0370 >>0493 >>0546

Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to large areas of wheat and barley fields in Ras al-Ayn countryside


Hasaka, SANA – The Turkish occupation’s terrorist mercenaries continued their crimes and terrorist practices against citizens, setting fire to wheat and barley fields in villages in Ras al-Ayn area in the northern countryside of Hasaka.


Local sources told SANA correspondent that the Turkish occupation’s mercenaries on Wednesday set fires to large areas of wheat and barley fields in Farisah, al-Salhiyeh, and Tal Thalaj villages in the southwestern countryside of Ras al-Ayn in Hasaka province.


The sources pointed out that the aim behind of this criminal act is to expose hundreds of thousands of citizens in the Syrian al-Jazira area to the threats of poverty and famine, which amounts to one more war crime committed by the Turkish occupation against Syrians.


Fires which broke out in the agricultural lands in Ras al-Ayn on Tuesday led to the destruction of about 1,000 dunams planted with wheat, and a number of citizen’s houses burned down after the fire spread to them.