Personal Quick Grabs from Bread #1189. These ARE NOT Vetted, I'm just working on my 40,000K View. Shadilay Anons!!
>>956763 (Previous Quick Grabs)
>>955478 ←-Was the "attack" staged??
>>955499 ←-Hoping
>>955516 ←-Cindy controls Traitor Boy??
>>955527 ←-We would all be in prison
>>955557 ←-God Bless Those in Harms Way
>>955565 ←-Great Graphic
>>955577 ←-More JKF Jr.
>>955601 ←-Q is Back!!
>>955587 ←-Check this out!!
>>955656 ←-Q Target Confirmed
>>955704 ←-Nice work on location
>>955718 ←-Spider Webs
>>955740 ←-Tracking…
>>955760 ←-Q
>>955769 ←-Tracking…
>>955834 ←-Thank You Anon
>>955887 ←-Spider Webs
>>955902 ←-Q
>>955905 ←-Could this be it??
>>955952 ←-Q "We LOVE Phones!!" LOL!!
>>955988 ←-Tracking on Traitor Boy
>>955991 ←-Noted
>>955994 ←-Eric Prince /ourguy/
>>956037 ←-Nice Rundown of Q
>>956048 ←-Look at this shit
>>956063 ←-Dopey & Bill Gates = Bad Guys
>>956067 ←-Tracking
>>956085 ←-#Fuckers
>>956111 ←-Backpage & Cindy McCain (DIG)
>>956174 ←-What is this?? Real??
>>956182 ←-GREAT WORK ANON!!
TRUTH Belongs With THE PEOPLE!!!