You might try this web app for reporting suspicion of a crime.
>>956369 Too damn easy for him. No, he must be publicly HUMILIATED & SHAMED before facing a traitor's sentence. And that is only the beginning of sorrows for that son of a bitch. He will find no rest, only everlasting shame.
Just think—this utterly worthless a-hole has ALWAYS been the dumbest guy in the room, from day one, no matter where or when. An idiot with zero morals. And he lived large because of his family, wife & Senate seat, strutting around the world oozing money and power. Time to face justice, McBitch. Know that MANY will rejoice at your massively merited fall. No tears, only smiles all around.
The ones in the archive don't begin to capture the fullness and horror of his evil. But I'll drop a few from the archives to get the ball rolling… There are 76 Mcnoname in a folder in the
Nearly 13,000 memes and infographs.