Digging bookmark: Scala Regia
It's in Italian, but English-only anons will catch on quick.
Scala Regia is an Italian glossy mag with a website and a blog. Entire staff must be bonafide autists, because it is the damnedest collection of unusual rare photos of the interiors of houses of the 1% royalty, aristocracy & oligarchy I've ever seen in my life. But hang on, it's not just pictures of rooms, the peole are there too. If People, Tatler, Architectural Digest, Town & Country and all the European editions of Vogue had a baby, and it spoke Italian, it would be Scala Regia. Scroll thru the list of names in the column on the right and you'll see what I mean. Somebody's been scrapbooking these bazillion photos since the beginning of time. Crazy like a fox.
Recommend a comfy chair and your favorite beverage to enjoy this one with. Intel bros, you'll enjoy this one, too, put it on your lists.
http:// scalaregia.blogspot.com/2011/04/chez-le-baron-et-la-baronne-de.html
http:// scalaregia.blogspot.com/
http:// scalaregiamagazine.com
About: "
We are a tribute to life. We celebrate people and the BEAUTY of the arts, history, culture, architecture and fashion.
Born out of the wish to produce something that could approach all things of rich aesthetic nature, this magazine's aim is to search for grace within mankind — the rare talents and products of the past and present — and to afterwards encapsulate it for the future.
Each new issue features close to 250 pages and each of them was our chance to create a little box of wonders. A box we can only wish that you ultimately feel compelled to collect for the future."