"'Who/what is not pictured?"'
"'What forces shadowed No Name?"'
Special contractors.
"'What was delivered?"'
Missiles? See pic and sauce. NoName was visiting a missile site in southern Turkey the same day he made his visit into Syria and meeting with muslim baddies. Monday May 27th 2013.
Nice word play there Q.
"'Exact location."'
Most likely Sucu or al-Salameh. It's a village in northern Aleppo. Close to a border crossing with Turkey and a refugee camp.
"'Buildings E of spider web."'
"'Spider web marker."'
"'Open source."'
Missile site in Turkey sauce
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-crisis-usa-mccain/senator-mccain-met-with-rebels-in-syria-spokesman-idUSBRE94Q0HU20130527
Remote "Site K" in Turkey maybe?