Can reflection man's height be estimated?
Proportions - head to belt buckle? Long/med/short torso?
Room size. Max distance from reflection and back? Camera lens & format (angle / magnification)? Wide or normal angle to get everyone in pic? Exaggerates perspective. Originals? (Tineye, search for oldest date, exif?)
Compare to known (estimated) height of people standing at same distance?
Height of ceiling - standard or ?
Is pink object on shelf or in hand? Who would have a pink iPhone case? (Lindsay Graham?) All other shelves bare? (odd)
Clothing? White or light blue(?) shirt? Long sleeve. Khakis? Tie? Insignia on shoulders or artifact in cabinet?
Who is in other pics from this set but missing in this? Is photographer always the same? Do we have collection of all photos from this trip? Who document's noname's adventures in photo & word?
Hair (or none)? Beard?