TheFatPig ID: e7b465 4chan troll ongoing April 15, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.1053526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I read 4chan Trump Russian Piss dossier (june 2016) and it had more layers than the Trump dossier to fool the Trump haters in the political left media. Remember there was a war started by the political left crazies against the gamers #gamergate and against 4chan Trolls. The trolls were winning on pushing the crazies more extreme. They had some great trolling going on at that time and since then.


Remember capture the Flag with Shia LaBeouf.


The extra layers of the Trump Russian piss orginal dossier were enough for normies to realise that it was fake, but enough to fool anyone who hates Trump with deep rooted passion, in which the Star Wars people would say "The Force is Strong" with their Trump hate. When I read the Trump dossier released by the dumb US Government many months later, I laugh as it had the exact signature in it (from 4chan trolls) with some additional rubbish and some of the normies wise triggers words stuff taken out. I knew the 4chan trolls would be laughing how crazy the US Intelligence agencies made themselves looks stupid publicly by pushing it as fact, because anyone in the US Intelligence agencies would have access to Trump foreign travels and match the dates and realise it was fake. His plane has his name on it and foreign people would have taken photos and selfies with it. He was popular before running for President.

Now Trump is a Twitter addict and he advertise where and what he does. No news from Donald Trump is bad news from him. He has a need to stay in the public eye.


Then I noticed the wording of the joint intelligence agencies as they make it vague and it was politically pushed by the Obama Administration, and they put disclaimers attached to cover their asses. Most of them did not agree with it. CIA/FBI did have an Anti-Trump agenda. That why I distrust the FBI/CIA as they are political acting agencies.