Anonymous ID: 64333d June 11, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.9571791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1797 >>1802

Here's another thing President Trump can do REALLY make libtard heads just fckn go nuclear: Don't legalize marijuana…decriminalize it!


They want it to be legalized for the profit. Dems have lost nearly all their income sources…the Burn,Loot,Murder gang they call every 4 years and who go global to con money out of the uninformed sheep 'cause…racism - every 4 years like clockwork.


The demonrat scum have lost nearly all of their drug money, their child trafficking money, their foreign aid kickbacks and that is why they are pushing for legalization…so their buddies will pay them lots of bribe money to give them licenses and close competition.


Decriminalize is the only "Freedom" way. If people want to smoke it - if the owner of their building/property agree - they can, without having to pay taxes to any f.o.d. (friends of demonrats) by way of increased costs.


The black market will increase if marijuana is legalized because people will still want higher quality product than the government will provide…they'll do exactly what they are doing in Canada: high prices, high taxes, monopolistic packaging policy and licensing policy so that friends of the government are constantly at the front of the line, limit on potency, limit on purchasing location and laws mandating that it can only be purchased at select locations - the ones paying for the license - and it is still illegal to buy from any place but a government approved store. Legalization is a con…a money-making con for the corrupt.


Marijuana is a plant that has been part of human culture for thousands of years. It should be completely decriminalized; if people want to smoke it, grow it, share it…that's their business - not that of the government or friends of the the government who ONLY think about the money. It is also a great industry as the absolute best rope was made from hemp and that industry could once again stimulate the economy in the eastern states where pot was grown and used to make hemp rope for the fishing industry.


Screw the demonrats and keep taking their money away and don't let them have another corrupt source of income.