Anonymous ID: ded848 June 11, 2020, 1:59 a.m. No.9571775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1832 >>2040

Links are pb


>>9569967, >>9569933, >>9570006, >>9570099, >>9570101, >>9570238 Statue killed that dude live on Hannity! (Youtube)


Fake news.

Dude got knocked out, suffered 'a critical injury', and it didn't happen live on Hannity.

The footage was not live.

Check old notables, and look at the amount of sunlight. Hannity comes on at 9pmEST and there was still a little sunlight to be seen


Don't get the facts wrong.

What is this, a shill factory?

oh wait. derrrrrrr


tighten up, Anons.

I'm tired of seeing this place slippin' day after day.

Step the fuck up and do some research, quit going back to your old ways and taking someone's word for it.



this is getting tiring.


Wish I wasn't so busy irl these days. We used to dig every single thing and research random shit-

We used to call each other out and it was fine because WE'RE HERE TO DO A FUCKING JOB

Nobody got offended.

if it's WWG1WGA, then I can accurately say we're fucking soft as fuck, weak as fuck, and lazy as shit.

I don't want to be that. I want to read and research and use discernment and fucking WIN THIS WAR.


Night shift or no night shift, if you're here, you need to be battling.


Have you looked around? Scroll up, scroll down. How many legit posts do you see? THERE'S YOUR FUCKING SIGN.

This place is turning to shit, and the only consolation prize is that all the shills get is a pile of garbage when they are running the kitchen.


You're losing all your strongest players by letting this place lose credibility.


F U if you call me a concernfag, F U if you talk shit to this without taking responsibility. W W G 1 W G A and 1 person cannot carry the A so get off your asses and do something if you're here. Otherwise go to sleep and try again tomorrow.


Complacency loses wars.

This movie hasn't even fucking gotten good yet and this place is fucking derelict.


I'm not talking shit, I'm fucking pissed. Get it together.

Otherwise, you may as well cancel the download at 95%

Otherwise, you may as well just lay down on the 5 yard line after a long pass.

Otherwise, just take a hard right, right into the fucking wall, on the checkered flag.

Otherwise, just load 27 rounds in the 30 round clip.

Otherwise, take $250 less each paycheck.

Otherwise, don't fully stop at the stop light. Get rekt.

Otherwise, leave 2 bites of steak on your plate at your favorite restaurant.

Otherwise, pull out right before you cum and then finish in the bathroom.


Not sticking around for replies.

Fucking tighten up.