Anonymous ID: 3afc9b June 11, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.9572928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2935 >>2968

California deputy shot in 'ambush' attack at police station


LOS ANGELES (AP) — A California sheriff's deputy was shot in the head but survived an “ambush” by a gunman intent on harming or killing police and authorities said Wednesday they were investigating whether there was a connection to two recent deadly attacks on officers.


Authorities were looking for Mason James Lira, 26, a transient from the Monterey area of the Central Coast, and he was considered armed and dangerous, the San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Office said in an announcement late Wednesday night.


After wounding the San Luis Obispo County deputy in the small city of Paso Robles, police believe the shooter killed a transient and then eluded an intense manhunt. Police sought the public's help and released photos from surveillance video showing the suspect — a young dark-haired, bearded man.


The shooter opened fire around 3:45 a.m. on the back side of the police station in Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson said. Officers were inside at the time and windows and a door were shot out but no one was injured.


A dispatcher monitoring security cameras saw the attack unfold and called for help.


The deputy was struck while responding and his partner dragged him to safety and returned fire, Parkinson said. The wounded deputy was in serious but stable condition with a bullet lodged in his head, he said.


“We feel that this was an ambush, that he planned it, that he intended for officers to come out of the police department and to assault them,” Parkinson said.


While searching for the suspect investigators found the body of a man near railroad tracks several blocks away. The 58-year-old, unidentified transient was shot once at close range in the back of the head, police said.


Paso Robles is an unlikely spot for such violence. The bustling community 175 miles (282 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles is a tourist destination and centerpiece of the wine industry on California's Central Coast.


The violence came just five days after another unlikely location, the community of Ben Lomond in Santa Cruz County farther north on the California coast, was the scene of an ambush on police.


Santa Cruz sheriff’s Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller, 38, was killed and another deputy injured Saturday in an attack allegedly carried out by an Air Force sergeant armed with homemade bombs, an AR-15 rifle and other weapons. Santa Cruz County Sheriff Jim Hart said the suspect, Steven Carrillo, was intent on killing officers.


The FBI is investigating whether Carrillo, 32, has links to the killing of a federal security officer who was shot outside the U.S. courthouse in Oakland during a protest against police brutality on May 29.


The FBI also is assisting the San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles departments with their investigation of the shooting that left the two-year deputy in serious condition.


“He’s not out of the woods, as the doctors have explained to me,” Parkinson said.


He said there's no clear link between the latest shooting and the other two but that over time the investigation could lead there.


The deputy, who was not identified, and his partner heard gunfire as they approached the station and got out of the car to search but didn’t see the suspect “until they started taking fire,” Parkinson said.


The deputy's partner managed to get him to safety behind a patrol car. The wounded deputy was conscious and managed to radio that he’d been shot.


Parkinson said there was no local event or imminent arrest that might have prompted the violence. He also said investigators didn’t know if the attack was connected to anger swelling nationwide at police over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis officers. He called Floyd’s death unjust and horrific.



Anonymous ID: 3afc9b June 11, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.9572966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2977 >>2991

Were they destroyed on purpose? Possibly to get rid of the evidence of fake or rigged testing?


Dr. Birx Says George Floyd Protests Have Resulted in the Destruction of 70 Covid-19 Testing Sites


Dr. Deborah Birx, President Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, warned the nation’s governors on a conference call that 70 coronavirus testing sites had been destroyed amid widespread protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd.


During the Monday call, a recording of which was obtained by the Daily Beast, Birx said governors should “scramble now to make sure there is testing available in urban areas.” Vice President Mike Pence, the head of the White House coronavirus task force, said that spikes in cases stemming from the unrest are “an issue our team is following and there is a concern.”


Birx’s comments mirror those of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has raised concerns that the protests could lead to a spike in cases. “It’s a perfect set up for further spread of the virus in the sense of creating these blips which might turn into some surges,” Fauci admitted on local D.C. radio station WTOP last week.


Members of the Washington, D.C., National Guard have already tested positive for coronavirus since being deployed on May 31 to help deal with mass demonstrations and rioting in the nation’s capitol.


Data shows that Texas, California, Oregon, North and South Carolina, Mississippi, Utah, Arkansas, and Arizona have all seen sharp increases in coronavirus hospitalizations since Memorial Day weekend, as states have begun to open up following months of lockdowns.


“There is active community spread in California, North Carolina, Utah, and Arizona,” Birx said on the call, adding that her team had seen evidence of community spread in “metro Hispanic neighborhoods.”