Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 4:41 a.m. No.9572292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2336 >>2439 >>2511 >>2908 >>2968

White House Warns John Bolton His Manuscript Contains Classified Info


The White House has informed former national security adviser John Bolton that his memoir still contains classified material.


White House deputy counsel John Eisenberg wrote a stern warning to Charles Cooper, Bolton’s attorney, that the content of the upcoming book, The Room Where It Happened, could represent a threat to national security:


As we advised your client when he signed the nondisclosure agreements, and as he should be well aware as a former assistant to the president for national security affairs in this administration, the unauthorized disclosure of classified information could be exploited by a foreign power, thereby causing significant harm to the national security of the United States.


The book has already faced delays as part of a White House National Security Council review. In January, the council told Bolton that his manuscript contained “significant amounts of classification.” Bolton claimed he changed the book in response to their concerns.


In an op-ed published to the Wall Street Journal, Cooper framed the additional delay as a “transparent attempt to use national security as a pretext to censor Mr. Bolton, in violation of his constitutional right to speak on matters of the utmost public import,” claiming, “President Trump doesn’t want John Bolton to publish his book.”


The president has been vocal in his criticism of both Bolton and the book, calling it a “nasty and untrue” account. Trump asserted that, had he listened to Bolton when he was still part of the administration, “we would be in World War Six by now.”


Bolton’s publisher, Simon & Schuster, expressed their solidarity, saying, “The final, published version of this book reflects those changes, and Simon & Schuster is fully supportive of Ambassador Bolton’s First Amendment right to tell the story of his time in the Trump White House.”

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 4:44 a.m. No.9572311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2321

Stacey Abrams Predicts Democrats’ 2020 Record Turnout Will Be ‘Disaster’ for GOP


I despise this creature


Pam Key10 Jun 2020



Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, often mentioned as a possible running mate for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, predicted that Democratic voters would turn out in record numbers in November’s election.


According to Abrams, that will mean a “disaster” for the Republican Party.


Abrams said, “We know that it’s going to be worse. We know that people want to be heard. We are in the midst of a public health crisis, an economic collapse, a deep distrust of our justice system, and we have a voting system that Republicans are doing their level best to make as unusable as possible. Republicans have been fighting across this country to fight back against expansion or at least access to voting rights. But we also know that Republican leaders know better. They use absentee ballots. They know that vote by mail works. They are not concerned about fraud with vote by mail. They’re concerned about participation.”


She added, “What we saw happen in Georgia was that more Democrats voted in this election than voted in previous primaries, including in 2016. And this record turnout looks different, looks like disaster for them. So they’re going to do their level best to limit who can actually have a voice in our election.”


Hayes said, “You raised the turnout yesterday. It was very high. Georgia has two contested Senate seats, two contested Senate primaries yesterday, along with the presidential primary, which had been delayed. There is polling showing the president and Joe Biden essentially tied in Georgia or around there. Election day in Georgia is going to be bonkers just at a turnout level. Two Senate seats and also the presidential. You’ve got to imagine that any competent administrator would have to be planning for an enormous turnout in November.”


Abrams said, “I know that the turnout in this upcoming election is going to dwarf the record turnout we had in 2018. 2018 we had the single largest turnout from Democratic voters in Georgia history. That number is going to be much higher in 2020 because recovery from the pandemic, recovery from the systemic injustice that we saw that took the life of Mr. Arbery, George Floyd, and Brianna Taylor. Those issues are going yo be on the ballot. People know if we don’t solve this problem in this election, we do not have a future for many people in this country.”

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 4:47 a.m. No.9572333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2511 >>2908 >>2968

Data: 100K Mail-In Ballots Returned as ‘Undeliverable’ in Rhode Island


About 100,000 mail-in ballots were returned as “undeliverable” in Rhode Island’s recent primary election, according to state records.


Overall, about one-in-eight mail-in ballots that were sent out, unsolicited, by Rhode Island state officials were returned and deemed undeliverable. This means that in the June 2 election, about 12.5 percent of the nearly 780,000 mail-in ballots sent to registered voters had to be sent back to state officials for being undeliverable.


In a letter to Rhode Island officials, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is asking for more information on the 100,000 undelivered mail-in ballots. Rhode Island has not cleaned up their voter rolls since 2006.


As Breitbart News has reported, more than 2.1 million mail-in ballots have been deemed undeliverable in the 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 elections. Since 2012, more than 28 million mail-in ballots have gone missing.


Baltimore, Maryland recently experienced issues with their predominately mail-in voting election. A number of mail-in votes were discarded and not counted as a result of an election error. Likewise, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, officials admitted that duplicate ballots were mailed out to registered voters.


Recent data has not shown a compelling public health justification for mail-in voting. In Wisconsin’s April election, only 52 of more than 400,000 voters and poll workers were confirmed to have contracted the Chinese coronavirus. None of those cases were fatal. This equals an infection rate below two-hundredths of one percent.

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.9572356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2395 >>2511 >>2908 >>2968

Tucker Carlson: ‘We Were All Played’ — ‘Corrupt Politicians’ Used a Public Health Emergency to Subvert Democracy


According to the Fox News host, with little input from the public, elected officials moved to lockdown many places around the country. But given public officials’ reactions to protests and the impact of the virus on areas where lockdown restrictions were not as strict or severe, Carlson claims the public was “played” by politicians.


Partial transcript as follows:


Millions of Americans remain subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal lives, their daily lives, their family lives. The coronavirus lockdowns continue in many places. You may not know that because it gets no publicity but it’s true. If you’re living under it, you definitely know. As a result of this, tens of millions of people are now unemployed. A huge number of them have no prospects of working again, many thousands of small businesses are closed and will never reopen.


Many Americans have become dependent on drugs and alcohol, seen their marriage is dissolved, become clinically depressed. Some of them have delayed their wedding. Others were banned from the government by from burying their loved ones and funerals. Some Americans will die of cancer because they couldn’t get cancer screenings. Some unknown number have taken their own lives in despair. Others have flooded to the streets to riot because bottled up rage and frustration take many forms.


The cost of shutting down the United States and denying our citizens desperately needed contact with one another is hard to calculate, but the cost has been staggering. The people responsible for doing all this, they have no regrets about it — “We faced a global calamity,” they say. COVID-19 was the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu. That flu killed 50 million people.


We had no choice. We did the right thing. That’s what they’re telling us. Is it true? The answer to that question matters not just because the truth always matters, but because the credibility of our leaders is at stake here.


This is the biggest decision they made in our lifetimes, they were able to make it, they rule because we let them? Their power comes from us. So the question now and always is, are they worthy of that power? That’s not a conversation they want to have. And right now, they don’t have to have that conversation because right now, all of us are distracted and mesmerized by the woke revolution underway outside. They created a separate country in Seattle. As we said, we will bring you the latest on that in just a minute.


But we think it’s worth taking a pause to assess whether or not they were, in fact, lying to us about the coronavirus and our response to it. The short answer is this: Yes, they were definitely lying. As a matter of public health, conclusively, the lockdowns were not necessary. In fact, we can prove that and here’s the most powerful evidence — states that never locked down at all, states, where people were allowed to live like Americans and not cower in indoors alone, in the end, turned out no worse than they could states that had mandatory quarantine, the states you probably live in.

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 5 a.m. No.9572395   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Rest of the monologue

The media would rather tell you why you need to hate your neighbor for the color of his skin. The media definitely don’t want to revisit what they were saying just a few weeks ago, whend they were acting as press agents for power-drunk Democratic politicians. Back then, news anchors were ordering you to stop asking questions and obey.




One minute they were mass murderers for going outside. Now they are Sam Adams. They are patriots, they are American heroes. If all of this seems like a pretty abrupt pivot, fret now. Rioting is not a health risk, as long as it helps the Democratic Party’s prospects in the November election, rioting will not spread the coronavirus.


Sounds implausible, but we can be certain of that because last week hundreds of self-described public health officials signed a letter saying something. They announced that the Black Lives Matter riots are a vital contribution to public health. In effect, they’re an essential medical procedure.


But that doesn’t mean you get to go outside. You don’t. Thanks to coronavirus, you do not have the right to resume your life. And if you complain about that, it’s quote, “white nationalism,” that was a professional conclusion. Does a single American believe any of that? No, of course not. It is too stupid to even for CNN to repeat, so they mostly ignored it.


That’s an ominous side if you think about it. It means these people are done trying to convince you, even to fool you. They’re not making arguments, they are issuing decrees. They think they can. They no longer believe they need your consent to make big decisions to run the country. Once the authority stops trying to change your mind, even by deceit, it means they decided to use force, and they have.


During the lockdowns, people whose loved ones died were not allowed to have funerals for them. Think about that, it’s hard to think of anything crueler, but it happened to a lot of people. They claimed it was necessary. It was not necessary, and we know that they because now that a man has died whose death is politically useful to Democratic Party, the authorities have given him three funerals and not a word about a health risk


Or consider King County, Washington — that’s where Seattle is. Restaurants in King County are operating at just 25% capacity. That’s the law now. Nonessential businesses are allowed 15% capacity. The effect of that is an economic disaster. Most small businesses run on very small margins. They can’t survive for long, and many have failed. What should they do? They should join Antifa, obviously, because in King County, Washington, Antifa can do whatever they want to do. They’ve taken an entire six-block section of downtown Seattle, and that’s fine with health authorities. There are no social distancing required. They are essential.


Are you getting the picture? Is this adding up to our message? Yeah, the messages you were played. We were all played, corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our own lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers like Antifa while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online. In other words, they used a public health emergency to subvert democracy and instill themselves as monarchs. How are they able to do this? The sad truth is they did it because we let them do it. We believed them, they are therefore we obeyed them. If there’s anything good to come out of this disaster, it’s that none of us will ever make that mistake again.

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 5:04 a.m. No.9572421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2511 >>2908 >>2968

Minneapolis small business owner formed armed group to defend against rioters when police stepped back: report


A Minneapolis small business owner gathered an armed group to protect her neighborhood and its residents when police stepped back amid rioting and looting that grew out of protests over the death of George Floyd in the city, according to a report.


"Material things we can replace, that's true," restaurant owner Cesia Baires told NPR in a residential hallway above her business last week. "But there are families up here. These aren't empty buildings."


Baires and other residents rallied armed, properly licensed citizens for protection after police shrank their presence in her neighborhood, according to the outlet. At times, they watched from rooftops with semiautomatic rifles.


They also reportedly handed out fire extinguishers to their neighbors.


And Baires wasn’t alone – armed citizens formed similar groups in neighborhoods around the city, The Washington Post reported Sunday.


Among them was Jeremiah Ellison, a 30-year-old Democrat city councilman and the son of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, carrying both a fire extinguisher and a handgun as he drove through a devastated neighborhood over the weekend, according to The Post.


The younger Ellison has also declared support for Antifa and called for “dismantling” the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD).


“We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response,” he tweeted last week in response to another Twitter user who challenged lawmakers to tackle police reform. “It’s really past due.”


The department told NPR that it is facing an “unprecedented situation," is aware of the armed groups and that they are not considered concerning as long as they follow the law.


The department’s website was inaccessible Wednesday evening, possibly due to a denial-of-service attack.


Still, emergency calls should continue to be made to 911, according to an MPD spokesperson.


And the department’s top cop, Chief Medaria Arradondo, announced plans Tuesday to reform the department into something residents view as “legitimate, trusting and working with their best interests at heart.”

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 5:24 a.m. No.9572555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Memorandum on Safeguarding U.S. National Interests in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions


Issued on: June 9, 2020


SUBJECT: Safeguarding U.S. National Interests in the

Arctic and Antarctic Regions


To help protect our national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and to retain a strong Arctic security presence alongside our allies and partners, the United States requires a ready, capable, and available fleet of polar security icebreakers that is operationally tested and fully deployable by Fiscal Year 2029. Accordingly, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:


Section 1. Fleet Acquisition Program. The United States will develop and execute a polar security icebreaking fleet acquisition program that supports our national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.


(a) The Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), shall lead a review of requirements for a polar security icebreaking fleet acquisition program to acquire and employ a suitable fleet of polar security icebreakers, and associated assets and resources, capable of ensuring a persistent United States presence in the Arctic and Antarctic regions in support of national interests and in furtherance of the National Security Strategy and the National Defense Strategy, as appropriate. Separately, the review shall include the ability to provide a persistent United States presence in the Antarctic region, as appropriate, in accordance with the Antarctic Treaty System. The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of OMB, in executing this direction, shall ensure that the United States Coast Guard’s (USCG) Offshore Patrol Cutter acquisition program is not adversely impacted.


(b) The Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Commandant of the Coast Guard, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of Energy, as appropriate, shall conduct a study of the comparative operational and fiscal benefits and risks of a polar security icebreaking fleet mix that consists of at least three heavy polar-class security cutters (PSC) that are appropriately outfitted to meet the objectives of this memorandum. This study shall be submitted to the President, through the Director of OMB and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, within 60 days from the date of this memorandum and at a minimum shall include:


(i) Use cases in the Arctic that span the full range of national and economic security missions (including the facilitation of resource exploration and exploitation and undersea cable laying and maintenance) that may be executed by a class of medium PSCs, as well as analysis of how these use cases differ with respect to the anticipated use of heavy PSCs for these same activities. These use cases shall identify the optimal number and type of polar security icebreakers for ensuring a persistent presence in both the Arctic and, as appropriate, the Antarctic regions;


(ii) An assessment of expanded operational capabilities, with estimated associated costs, for both heavy and medium PSCs not yet contracted for, specifically including the maximum use of any such PSC with respect to its ability to support national security objectives through the use of the following: unmanned aviation, surface, and undersea systems; space systems; sensors and other systems to achieve and maintain maritime domain awareness; command and control systems; secure communications and data transfer systems; and intelligence-collection systems. This assessment shall also evaluate defensive armament adequate to defend against threats by near-peer competitors and the potential for nuclear-powered propulsion;

Anonymous ID: a3d15e June 11, 2020, 6:05 a.m. No.9572891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2908 >>2968

Georgia Democratic Rep To Introduce Bill Classifying Attacks On Trump Supporters As A Hate Crime


Democratic Georgia Rep. Vernon Jones plans to introduce legislation classifying attacks against President Donald Trump’s supporters as hate crimes.


“I’ve watched countless videos of Trump supporters getting attacked in the streets simply due to their support of @realDonaldTrump,” Jones tweeted Tuesday. “Let’s call this what this is: a hate crime. And as we return to the legislature next week, I’ll be introducing legislation that’ll make it such.”


Jones became the first elected Democrat in the state to endorse Trump’s reelection last year, citing the president’s work for the black community.


Jones’ decision to endorse the president earned him intense backlash from Democrats in the state. Georgia Democratic Party chair and state Sen. Nikema Williams has called Jones “an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.” An organization formed by Democratic former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has pledged to support Jones’ primary opponent.