>>9572632 lb
We don't have a racism problem in this country.
We have a psychopaths running the asylums problem.
Having difficulties waking people up?
Show them this video.
>>9572632 lb
We don't have a racism problem in this country.
We have a psychopaths running the asylums problem.
Having difficulties waking people up?
Show them this video.
This is how they will manufacture the vote count.
>Polling sites were understaffed. Some election workers didn’t know how to operate new voting machines, and some of the machines malfunctioned,
sneak preview of what will happen nationwide.
>trouble could come in a state newly reliant on mail-in voting, if the race is close and the state’s electoral votes could tip the election one way or the other, as Florida did in 2000.
like Pennsylvania and/or Michigan