What is the main, key difference between Islam and Christianity?
Why is one "good" and other "bad"?
Good guys don't do terrorism or rioting in any way.
This… so much this. We have a lot to learn about history. There is proof that our "history" of today is but a tiny incomplete iota of what really was, like the work of dr. Semir Osmanagić about pyramids that predate Egypt, or the Gobekli Tepe that is so old the Cabalist Smithsonian went out of its way to be dismissive towards the groundbreaking discovery through carbon dating analysis.
As POTUS said, if we don't know our history… we are bound to repeat it.
Good point. So why does Q quote the Bible so often?
He's right you know. I don't care about American petty politics. Q doesn't either. This is about removing the Satanic Cabal in a battle that has been foretold since ancient times, because it ends an era of darkness on Earth. Fragments of the scope and scale of this can be found in ancient texts, new age sources, Q posts.
All you did was post from Holy Book #1 (Bible). I can post from Holy Book #2 (Quran) and refute your claims.
How so? By what logic?
And your pastor got it from where? Prove me wrong and tell me it's not Holy Book #1.