I hope you're wrong as well. I've gone down the rabbit holes a few times to see where it takes me if this is all mossad. I don't like it and it honestly scares the shit out of me.
I do look at Trump's tweets of him mocking antifa getting stopped by the national guard "daily" and I cringe like I did 3 years ago… That makes me realize his strategy is still exactly where it started. He is not concerned a bit. He's pissed, but not concerned.
2 situations IMO. Plan is going accordingly and we're all on the right side, or it is mossad.
Why I believe in the first plan… This anonymous thing stinks to high heaven. That is an all out assault on us and they appear comped badly. Sold out. The left murders babies… I'm incapable of opposing the side that is trying to get rid of abortion. The 2 SCJs are all-in on banning roe v Wade IMO. That's at the hands of trump. From my perspective the plan is in motion and will succeed. Hopium, ya. Hopium along with Faith in God are powerful for me.
My convictions and the world falling apart have brought my wife closer to God and have given me deeper conversations with her that I wouldn't have had before.