"“I can’t breath”
“The establishment will always fear real democracy”
“No more racist police!”
“Defund the police”
“Empathy now”
“Stolen Land. Stolen Lives.”
And so much more.
People walk through this place in aww, with their phones out taking videos and uploading them to their social media accounts.
Along all the corners and sidewalks are pop-up booths, all in the name of community, turning the commons into a place the embodies a communal gifting and sharing economy. Twice in the past minute I see people walking by and picking up trash. “Are you finished with that?”
I’m currently sitting in a fold up camping chair in the patio in front of the “No Cop Co-op”, which is a place for anyone to get anything they need — a bottle of water, different types of energy bars, juices, face masks, and other supplies.Everything is free and donated.It takes up a quarter of the block and on one end is a sign-up sheet. As of now, they still have shifts available for restocking supplies and security throughout the night.
Kitty corner from the “No Cop Co-op”, is thelocal chapter of the DSA (Democratic socialists of America)asking for people to sign petitions. Everyone at that booth is white but most of their goals are around defunding police….
"I just saw a two women walking by with a sign offering“mental health check-ins”.I had to go up and ask if they were licensed psychiatrists and of course they are. This is a place where people are offering their gifts to the community."
sounds like the CHAZ as currently constructed will fizzle once the generosity of donors dries up probly in a few weeks but the real danger is that trained terrorists and insurgents from the MB/ISIS/CCP/AntifaIntl network will take up residence there and possibly even hold the residents and college kids hostage. The hippies would be well-advised to vacate the CHAZ before things take on a more militant tone.