They always use '42' around black people.
Panem et Circenses, theatrics and misdirection.
Our world is a fiction crafted by the secret societies of artificers, cowards liars & leeches, all of them.
This video presents an interesting angle, that the works of Aristotle are a fabrication of the Roman Piso family, and that they had the sole rights to record imperial history, and where working on a "religious project" to control the masses.
'…When, Where and How the science was changed to a matter-oriented theory of existence. How was the Science Changed? Why was the Philosophy of Aristotle adopted by the Church? Who and When was the Calendar Changed to B.C. and A.D.? Who Really was Aristotle in Greece? What was the Chain of Custody for His Writings? Which Roman Family Controlled the Only Copies of Aristotle?…'