The final step of the controlled demolition is gun control. That enables them to lock it in.
It's just part of the show. The movie's title is Controlled Demolition. Gen Cucked Faggot's role is conditioning. There are lots of them that serve conditioning roles.
The ones whose roles are outright deceit are the most despicable but they're all sickening. Actually, the ones profiting off the NWO are the most despicable but the ones who are tasked with the deceit are people I'd also like to see die like Ambassador Stevens did in Benghazi.
2008 for me, but only because I didn't see truth about 9/11 or would have been then.
Do you find it entertaining that everything they've worked for as lifelong taxpaying hardworking Americans has been stolen from them?
Controlled demolition, jerkoff!
Hope you enjoy the next phase just as much.