Anonymous ID: 9bdd8e June 11, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.9574172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4193


You do realize you don't know what you're talking about…Try Reading Q's posts and doing some Real Research …Here I'll try and help you…Dummy ..oppps sowwy kekekek


Timeline of Accomplishments

President Trump and his administration have been hard at work to Keep America Great! Below are just a few of the many accomplishments of the Trump administration.

Anonymous ID: 9bdd8e June 11, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.9574285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US consulate worker sentenced to 8yrs in jail in Turkey for helping ‘terrorist organization’ linked to 2016 failed coup


A US consulate employee has been found guilty of helping a group that Turkey says tried to topple the government four years ago. US-Turkey relations were already under strain over disputes including an arms deal with Russia.


Metin Topuz was sentenced to eight years and nine months in prison for “aiding an armed terrorist organization,” local media reported. He was found guilty of having links to a movement led by dissident Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the Turkish government accuses of masterminding a failed military coup in 2016. Topuz was accused of working with police officers and soldiers who had ties to Gulen's group.


Topuz worked as a translator and fixer for the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) at the American consulate in Istanbul. During the trial, he claimed to have communicated with high-ranking police and legal officials as part of his job.


The US embassy in Ankara said it is “deeply disappointed” by the verdict and has seen “no credible evidence” to support the court’s decision, adding that the allegations against Topuz “misrepresent both the scope and nature of the important work undertaken by our local staff on behalf of the US government.”


In the Thursday statement, the White House said the ICC was pursuing “politically-motivated investigations” against the US and its allies “including Israel.”


Without offering evidence, the statement said the US was concerned that “adversary nations are manipulating” the court by “encouraging” allegations against American personnel.


It claimed there is “strong reason to believe” that there is “corruption and misconduct” at the “highest levels” of the court which call its integrity into question.

Anonymous ID: 9bdd8e June 11, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.9574348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4466

Trump admin sanctions International Criminal Court officials investigating US war crimes


The Donald Trump administration is imposing economic sanctions on International Criminal Court officials who are engaged with “any effort” to investigate or prosecute US personnel for war crimes.


In a statement on Thursday, the White House press office said President Donald Trump has also authorized the “expansion of visa restrictions” against ICC officials and their family members.


The US has repeatedly threatened to impose sanctions on the Hague-based court and asserted that it has no right to investigate or prosecute US personnel without Washington’s consent.


The White House statement described the court’s actions as “an attack on the rights of the American people” and a threat to “infringe upon our national sovereignty.”


It added that the ICC was established “to provide accountability for war crimes” but said “in practice” it had become “unaccountable and ineffective.”


Efforts by the ICC to investigate allegations of war crimes by Israel against Palestinians have also drawn ire from the Trump administration.


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued in May that Palestine does not “qualify as a sovereign state" and that the court cannot conduct "illegitimate" investigations against Israel. He threatened that the US would "exact consequences" if the court continued its efforts to investigate alleged crimes

Anonymous ID: 9bdd8e June 11, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.9574390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran arrests 6 people over downing of Ukrainian aircraft


BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) – The Iranian authorities announced on Tuesday, the arrest of six people so far in the case of shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane in January.


“The judiciary of the Armed Forces has so far arrested six people as part of investigations into the incident of the downing of the Ukrainian plane,” the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported, quoting the judiciary spokesman, Gholam Hussein Ismaili.


They continued: “Concerning the file of the Ukrainian plane, teams of experts conducted investigations about the accident,” stressing that the families of the victims can submit complaints to the judiciary.


Ismaili explained that “70 families of the relatives of the plane crash victims participated in the investigations”, saying: “six people have been arrested so far as part of the investigations, three of whom have been released on bail, and the other three are still detained.”


In mid-January, Iran announced the arrest of people for their role in the Ukrainian plane accident, while Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that those involved in the plane accident “will receive punishment .”


Iran had announced, at the beginning of the investigation, that the plane crash in the outskirts of Tehran occurred as a result of a technical defect before later admitting to shooting down the plane with a missile from the Revolutionary Guard’s defenses during military preparedness after Iran launched missiles at two Iraqi bases that included American bases, in response to the killing of the leader of the Quds Force, Major General Qassem Soleimani.


The accidental attack on the Ukrainian airliner resulted in the death of 176 passengers.

Anonymous ID: 9bdd8e June 11, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.9574430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4466

Powerful explosion rocks Baghdad’s Green Zone after missile lands near US embassy


BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 A.M.) – The Iraqi Security Media Cell announced a short time ago, that missiles targeted the Green Zone in central Baghdad and that the sirens sounded from the American embassy.


They that a Katyusha missile landed in the Green Zone in Baghdad, without any significant losses.


The media wing indicated that the missile landed near the People’s Stadium, “east of the capital.”


Al-Sumaria TV quoted a security source as saying that “the Green Zone in central Baghdad was targeted by a Katyusha missile .”


They added that “a Katyusha missile landed today in the Green Zone in central Baghdad , which resulted in material damage without any casualties.”


Al-Sumaria added that “a security force surrounded the place, while a siren sounded from the American embassy.”


It is noteworthy to mention that the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, which includes government buildings and foreign diplomatic missions, has been recently exposed to a series of attacks by Katyusha rockets.