Anonymous ID: caf359 June 11, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9576437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6704 >>6730 >>6735

So let me see if I have this straight: (apologies in advance, this turned out much longer then originally anticipated, please bear with me)


1) The reason POTUS has been 73-0 on calling elections is because the democrats can no longer cheat electronically. This it shows the TRUE numbers and outcomes of elections. This is the reason the democrats have been pushing for vote by mail, so they can once again cheat and attempt to claim that they are the majority again.


2) The reason Nancy Pelosi, and so many democrats have been pushing to remove confederate statues, to rename bases, to erase history, is because they want to remove all records and traces that the confederacy was run by democrats. They are trying to hide the history of the democrat party.


3) The reason the senate held off on certain hearings until after declass was so that these people could not lie once again to the american public. The records are out there and now they will have to answer tough questions and will be unable to use the saying that’s classified.


4)The riots - the paid agitators, and the reason why these cities mayors, governors, etc allowed the areas to be destroyed, was to prevent POTUS’s Economic Opportunity Zones from actually helping minority communities. Thereby making these underprivileged and mostly minority communities even more dependent upon those in charge of the cities and state.


5) Posting up signs and painting “BLM” on streets is pure pandering. It literally does nothing to help those communities, nor does it solve any racism issues.


6) The BLM organization is a white liberal led organization that operates as a money laundering operation straight to the DNC and does nothing to actually help black communities.


7) The reason that the idiots in “CHAZ” are putting up barriers is that they got word of some impending action to remove them.


On the subject of CHAZ, did you all see that pathetic “garden” of theirs? It’s like a bunch of kids who grew up playing farmville decided to try it out in real life. “I planted those beans yesterday, why don’t i have 20 soy yet?” If they truly wanted to be self sustaining, they would have tulles the entire grass area, established rows of plants, set up a team to take care / tend the garden. It takes a lot of work. What they have there might produce a (singular) cherry tomato for everyone there. They have a child’s mindset, not even into concrete functionality. If I was in charge, I would set up a perimeter, allow no one in or out unless they were willing to surrender themselves. Don’t attack, just sit there and let them come out willingly when the food runs out, or the water, or the electricity. They come out, they are arrested.