Do you think the dems are going to stop breeding and importing useless idiots? Don’t be stupid. We are losing badly. Trump doesn’t do anything except tweet. We’ve had a bioweapon released on us, followed be national rioting. WE ARE LOSING.
>Dude trump is tweeting about it what more do you want?
I actually thought we were winning. Now I realize, all he will do is tweet. It's hilarious really. How in the world did I believe Trump cared about "optics"? He's impotent.
Hey leftist, nobody wants them shot. We want them arrested for the crimes they're committing. Do you understand? Cognitive dissonance? Trump is impotent and all major cities have elected communists at every level.
>Impotent? So, the WH actually did fall to the commies?
We were discussing Seattle. You can misdirect all you want, but everything I said is the truth. If the WH did fall to the commies, you'd probably just say it's for muh optics.
Again, nobody is asking for mass killings. Why do you leftists keep going there? They absolutely are committing federal crimes and I want them arrested and prosecuted.
Again, everything I said is true. Stop misdirecting attention away from your lost argument. I'm going to do your thinking again. Ready?
If you were being raped, you'd just tell yourself it was okay, and no big deal, at least they didn't kill you.