Everyone please hear me out, I strongly believe that the way to fix our world would be a series of extremely thought out farming and public relations and the re-definement of what the national guard should actually do.
It is obvious our police have some rotten apples but I believe in the good of them also, the most enjoyable cop encounters ive had to have were with men out of the military with their head on straight.
I propose that our police force is absorbed into the national guard and a retraining process and evaluation of all officers and a review of their past encounters and determine whether the person in question is fit to be worthy of enforcing our fine laws. I request we go back to wild west justice, gun laws in all manners are infringement on the 2nd amendment. Everyone should be free enough to carry a firearm, and society should condone the idea that THE PEOPLE are THE MILITIA.
The concept being purposed is that the national guard would be given a slightly different title and concept because I will our nation to be a paradise and we are capable of it. We would prosper.
Re-titlement of the national guard into the national guard-ners. An army by the people will rebuild our nation. We don't need a militarized police force terrorizing our citizens but I purpose that we change the law so that peoples front lawns are public utility and we devote the miltiary budget into turning every last piece of land into what I have discovered as the term "food forest" And you can accomplish so much extra food and the idea is that our national guard protects and serves the community; Figuratively and literally. Nature provides and we are killing it, cutting lawns is killing earth and I would rather have every where I go be filled with fresh fruit and veggies.
The idea is that the new 'police' force is your personal gardener, he maintains your lawn so that you may eat fresh food and the access is sold on the open market to pay for their service. Ideally I see the future playing out where there is constant festivities from the abundance that no one ever goes hungry and if there is a problem while out on 'patrol' aka lawn maintenance then they have a truck with a gun/vest in it. Look at the national guard in some of these videos, playing with the citizens because they are citizens. The police gang mentality needs to go, we are a family. Help one another. Our nation could be the envy of the world in a very should period of time. We could launch humanitarian aid of extra food to other places with spacex in sub hour times. The future could be amazing if we got rid of those who will cannot be named; their corruption is a plague to humanity.
I demand a new prison system, only murders and thieves should be locked up and all drugs should be legalized and proper institutions put in place for the rehabilitation of those who need help. I believe psychedelics pave a bright future for mental health and spiritual sense. We cannot continue to define what freedom is, because definement is a restriction which goes against the concept of freedom.
The stars are at our fingertips and we should get our shit together and peacefully colonize the universe into a paradise.