Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9577169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7260

Declassified ICA Annex Indicates FBI Misled Trump About Steele and His Dossier


The annex, now declassified by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress, is a two-page summary of the former MI6 operative’s anti-Trump fantasies, attached to the ICA at the FBI’s behest.


The declassified Federal Bureau of Investigations annex to the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) on alleged Russian election interference seemingly indicates top FBI leaders, including former Director James Comey, deliberately misled Donald Trump about the discredited Steele dossier at the start of 2017.


Although the dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, this information isn’t revealed in the annex. Steele being “desperate Trump not be elected”, as revealed to the Bureau in 2016 by Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr, whose wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that hired Steele.


Instead, Steele is merely described as “an executive of a private business intelligence firm and former employee of a friendly foreign intelligence service”. As of June 2020, neither Comey nor Deputy Andrew McCabe, fired March 2018 for authorising leaks to The Wall Street Journal and misleading agents who questioned him about it on four separate occasions (three of which were under oath), has offered any explanation for why their knowledge of Steele’s employment by the DNC and Clinton campaign, and surging aversion to Trump, went entirely unmentioned at the time.


Steele losing his position as paid FBI informant due to leaking information from the dossier to the media was also unmentioned in the annex, despite said information later being invoked by the FBI to boost Steele’s credibility in its application for a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. The Bureau dishonestly suggested a September 2016 Yahoo! News article verified several of Steele’s allegations about Page, without acknowledging the British ex-spy was the source of the allegations in the first place.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.9577215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7290 >>7352 >>7701


Interesting that Trump says they are not after him.




Hierarchy in the Church of Satan


Registered Member (no degree)

Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)

Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)

Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)

Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)

Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.9577235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7242 >>7259 >>7294 >>7297 >>7312 >>7372 >>7540 >>7631 >>7766 >>7809

$454 Million: Corporate America Floods Social Justice Causes with Cash amid Floyd Protests


Corporations are opening up their treasuries to give money to social justice causes, including Black Lives Matter, in the wake of nationwide protests and riots over the death of George Floyd.


Many of the big companies are pushing their employees to do the same.


Some businesses are donating to controversial bail funds like the Minnesota Freedom Fund that seek to bail out protesters and rioters.


Here is a list thus far.


Sony Music—a fund “to support social justice and anti-racist initiatives around the world”—$100 million


Walmart—a new racial equity center—$100 million


Warner Music—campaigns against violence and racism and social justice causes related to music industry—$100 million.


Nike—“Organizations that put social justice, education and addressing racial inequality in America at the center of their work”—$40 million


Alphabet/Google—various organizations, starting with $1 million each to Center for Policing Equity and Equal Justice Initiative—$12 million


Amazon—American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation, Brennan Center for Justice, Equal Justice Initiative, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Bar Association, National Museum of African American History and Culture, National Urban League, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Year Up—$10 million


Facebook—“groups working on racial justice”—$10 million


Target—long-standing partners such as the National Urban League and the African American Leadership Forum in addition to adding new partners in Minneapolis-St. Paul and across the country—$10 million


Verizon—National Urban League, NAACP, National Action Network, Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Rainbow Push Coalition, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$10 million


United Health—YMCA Equity Innovation Center of Excellence and Minneapolis-St Paul businesses—$10 million


Goldman Sachs—donor-advised fund to support “leading organizations addressing racial injustice, structural inequity and economic disparity”—$10 million


Spotify—matching employee donations—$10 million


Disney—organizations that advance social justice—$5 million


Procter & Gamble—NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, YWCA Stand Against Racism, and UNCF; also smaller organizations that mobilize and advocate, such as Courageous Conversation—$5 million


Cisco—Equal Justice Initiative, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Color of Change, Black Lives Matter, and a Cisco fund for fighting racism and discrimination—$5 million


Lego—organizations supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality—$4 million


Microsoft—Black Lives Matter, Equal Justice Initiative, Innocence Project, Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights, Minnesota Freedom Fund, and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$1.25 million

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.9577279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7297 >>7333 >>7346 >>7372 >>7631 >>7766 >>7809

Twitter Moves To Stop Users From Sharing Articles They Have Never Read


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


After sparking a White House campaign to deny social media platforms the liability they have historically enjoyed as supposedly 'neutral' platforms adhering to the 'fairness doctrine',Twitter is taking another step to fight abuse and rage-tweeting on its platform by cracking down on users who share news articles without reading them first.


How will Twitter accomplish this? According to the Guardian, the company has introduced a new prompt, similar to its prompt about 'hateful language', that will create more "friction" between users attempting to 'share' links that they haven't ever clicked on. Studies have found that the vast majority of these tweets involve users ignorantly responding to a salacious headline, instead of the more nuanced point being made in an article.


Twitter has been obsessed with barring "hate speech" and any other speech that makes its most militantly progressive users uncomfortable, which of course includes political speech with which they don't agree. During the process, the company has cracked down on conservatives and independent media outlets like Zero Hedge while allowing leftists to say whatever they please, or harass whoever they please.


The prompt will first be rolled out on Android phones only as the company tries to gauge the effectiveness of the policy.


“Sharing an article can spark conversation, so you may want to read it before you tweet it,” Twitter said in a statement. “To help promote informed discussion, we’re testing a new prompt on Android – when you retweet an article that you haven’t opened on Twitter, we may ask if you’d like to open it first.”

The problem of users sharing links without reading them is not new. A 2016 study from computer scientists at Columbia University and Microsoft found that 59% of links posted on Twitter are never clicked.

Less academically sound, but more telling, was another article posted that same year with the headline “Study: 70% of Facebook users only read the headline of science stories before commenting” – the fake news website the Science Post has racked up a healthy 127,000 shares for the article which is almost entirely lorem ipsum filler text.


We have a difficult time imagining how a tool that effectively forces more users to think for themselves - instead of just blindly parroting the opinions of others - might foster a more corrosive environment than currently exists on the platform.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.9577296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483

Cancel Culture Goes after Legal Insurrection’s Dr. William Jacobson — He Dared to Criticize Black Lives Matter


Dr. William Jacobson is a minority professor at an Ivy League university.


Dr. Jacobson is a lawyer, professor and he happens to be conservative.


For years now Dr. Jacobson has been writing at his prominent conservative website Legal Insurrection.


Being a conservative at an Ivy League school is not an enviable position.

Academia is increasingly intolerant.


But now the leftist mob is hoping to get Professor Jacobson fired because he criticized the Black Lives Matter movement.


Via Legal Insurrection:


There is an effort underway to get me fired at Cornell Law School, where I’ve worked since November 2007, or if not fired, at least denounced publicly by the school.


Ever since I started Legal Insurrection in October 2008, it’s been an awkward relationship given the overwhelmingly liberal faculty and atmosphere. Living as a conservative on a liberal campus is like being the mouse waiting for the cat to pounce.


For over 12 years, the Cornell cat did not pounce. Though there were frequent and aggressive attempts by outsiders to get me fired, including threats and harassment, it always came from off campus.


I made great efforts to keep this website separate from my work. I did not write about Cornell that frequently, and rarely about the law school itself. Nonetheless, the website and my political views were the elephant in every room, because the website is widely read, particularly by non-liberal students.Over the years, many students approached me privately and behind closed doors to express gratitude that someone was able to speak up, because they remained politically silent out of fear of social ostracization with the related possible career damage from falsely being accused of one of the “-ists” or “-isms.”


Not until now, to the best of my knowledge, has there been an effort from inside the Cornell community to get me fired.


The impetus for the effort was two posts I wrote at Legal Insurrection regarding the history and tactics of the Black Lives Matter Movement:


Reminder: “Hands up, don’t shoot” is a fabricated narrative from the Michael Brown case (June 4, 2020)

The Bloodletting and Wilding Is Part of An Agenda To Tear Down The Country (June 3, 2020)


Those posts accurately detail the history of how the Black Lives Matters Movement started, and the agenda of the founders which is playing out in the cultural purge and rioting taking place now.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.9577320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7372 >>7449 >>7631 >>7766 >>7809

Facebook Says Page Celebrating "Dead Cops" Doesn't Violate Its Community Standards


Facebook has refused to remove a page celebrating “dead cops,” saying that it does not violate their community standards.


The page is titled The Only Good Cops Are Dead Cops and openly incites violence against police officers.


However, when it was reported to Facebook moderators, they reviewed the page and said that although it may be “offensive,” it doesn’t violate any specific community standards.


Meanwhile, another Facebook page set up by concerned parents that was critical of ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ was banned by the social media giant.


500 Mom Strong was removed for “transphobic language,” including one post that merely stated, “Reminder: Women don’t have to be polite to someone who is making them uncomfortable.”


However, half a dozen other 500 Mom Strong parody pages set up by LGBT activists were left untouched.


“When I asked them about the half dozen other fake 500 Mom Strong pages that were put up by drag queens [and] used to parody 500 Mom Strong, I received no answer and the pages are still active,” said founder Anna Hall Bohach.


“There is also a fake profile, created by drag queens, using my name and information that has been reported multiple times by my friends and me that Facebook refuses to remove. I asked the Facebook representative about it and I still have yet to receive an answer,” she added

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.9577350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7364 >>7372 >>7553 >>7631 >>7719 >>7766 >>7809

Gov. Jay Inslee Demands Trump ‘Stay Out of Washington State’s Business’ amid Autonomous Zone Controversy


Gov. Jay Inslee (D) on Thursday demanded President Trump “stay out of Washington state’s business” after the president demanded state and local leaders get control of Seattle following radical protesters setting up a police-free “autonomous zone.”


Radical protesters cordoned off several blocks in the city to set up this zone.


“A man who is totally incapable of governing should stay out of Washington state’s business,” Inslee said on Thursday:


His remark comes in response to Trump, who on Wednesday night warned that both Inslee and Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) “are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before.”


“Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped [sic] IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!” he said:


Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 11, 2020


“Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle, run by Radical Left Democrats, of course. LAW & ORDER!” the president followed up in another tweet:

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.9577361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7372 >>7421 >>7631 >>7766 >>7809

Antifa Rioters in Downtown Portland Try to Set Up Their Own “Autonomous Zone”


Antifa rioters in downtown Portland tried to set up their own “Autonomous Zone” Wednesday night.


Antifa domestic terrorists grabbed whatever fencing they could find around downtown Portland to build their own “police free” autonomous zone.




Portland Antifa was inspired by their comrades in Washington state who set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle this week.


On Tuesday “Free Capitol Hill” the Antifa “Autonomous Zone” released its list of demands from the Seattle and Washington State governments.


The list includes reparations, ending the police and free stuff — pretty much what you would expect from a bunch of illiterate leftie kids.


Within 72 hours, things started to fall apart.


The anarchists already ran out of food and declared local rapper Raz Simone as its first warlord.


President Trump warned Democrat Governor Jay Inslee if he doesn’t do something about Antifa taking over several blocks in Seattle, he will step in.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.9577386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Satanists Have Sexualized Society


Satanists dehumanize us by reducing every relation to a sexual one. There are no relationships based on love, concern or friendship, just predatory sexuality.

An adult cannot address a child without being accused of pederasty. Two men cannot be friends without being thought of as homosexuals. People seek lifelong mates on the basis of sex appeal etc.


New sex ed teaches New Jersey minors about sodomy and how to consent to it

By Martin Bürger


WARNING: The following article contains sexually explicit language and material.


TRENTON, New Jersey, June 8, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The new standards for sex education in public schools of New Jersey push homosexuality and gender ideology, as well as abortion and contraception. Children are taught about giving "consent" and how to decide "whether and when to engage in sexual behaviors" such as "oral" and "anal sex."


Abortion giant Planned Parenthood was one of the organizations that had worked with the state's Department of Education to prepare the new standards.


"Modeled on the National Sexuality Education Standards the gold standard for sex education the new guidelines and educational requirements feature an updated, more comprehensive curriculum that includes expanded content topics, including LGBTQ identities and consent," wrote Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey in a press release.


The standards want students by the end of high school to "[a]dvocate for school and community policies and programs that promote dignity and respect for people of all genders [sic], gender expressions, gender identities, and sexual orientations."


"Analyze the influences of peers, family, media, social norms and culture on the expression of gender, sexual orientation, and identity," another standard reads.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.9577403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7429 >>7442 >>7543

School sics cops on 11-year-old after seeing a BB gun in his house during virtual lessons, says it's no different than bringing a gun to school


For goodness' sake


A Maryland school official called the police on an 11-year-old boy after the teacher reportedly saw a BB gun in the child's room during virtual instruction.


According to WBFF-TV, a police officer visited the home of the fifth-grader following the incident.


Courtney Lancaster, the child's mother and a Navy veteran, told the station that the child is in the process of becoming an Eagle Scout and is enrolled in Baltimore County Schools.


"[An officer] explained to me that he was here to search for weapons, in my home," Lancaster said.


The child has reportedly taken a variety of lessons related to outdoor sportsmanship, including archery lessons.


Lancaster said that a school official phoned authorities because they were concerned over seeing a BB gun mounted on the child's wall. The teacher reportedly took a screenshot of the child's room and passed it along to the school's resource officer, who turned the information over to local authorities.


Lancaster told WBFF that the school's principal complained that the child having a BB gun in his room was like bringing a gun to school.


"This is despicable," Lancaster said. "I had no idea what in the world [the police visit] could be over? BB guns never even once entered my mind. How many 11-year-old boys have BB guns?"


She also said that she is not happy that a teacher took a screenshot of her son in her home.


"It's absolutely scary to think about," Lancaster admitted. "Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing your children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?"


Lancaster also said that she takes issue with the fact that no one at the school contacted her before sending police to her home.


"So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn? If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It's not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he's sitting next to a butcher block," Lancaster reasoned. "I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are."

Has the school responded to the incident?


In a statement, a spokesperson for the district said, "Our longstanding policy is not to debate individual circumstances through the media. There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning."

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.9577447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474

Dow Plunges 1,800-Plus Points Over Fears of Second COVID-19 Wave Hitting US


US stocks took a massive dive into negative territory Thursday as a nationwide spike in COVID-19 coronavirus cases prompted fears of a second wave of the respiratory illness - a possible development which investors worry will delay an economic recovery even further.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average index closed the day’s trading with a plunge of 1,861.82 points, whereas the S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices dove by 188.04 points and 527.62 points, respectively. At its lowest, the Dow had lost over 1,800 points.


Thursday’s closing figures marked the Dow’s biggest one-day drop since March 18, when the index plummeted by 1,338.46 points despite the Trump administration’s efforts to put together a stimulus plan to ease economic concerns brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.


The New York Stock Exchange saw companies in the travel and airline industries continue to take hits, with stocks belonging to United Airlines and Southwest Airlines dropping over 9% and share prices for the Carnival Corporation and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings falling by more than 14%.


However, travel and airline firms weren’t the only ones to take an economic blow. Neither banks such as Goldman Sachs and Bank of America nor manufacturers like construction machinery and equipment company Caterpillar were able to avoid the pain on Thursday. All three saw shares dive by more than 6% during the day’s trading.


Elsewhere, European and Asian stock markets didn’t fare any better. The major indices all fell into negative territory over fears of a second COVID-19 wave and after the US Federal Reserve issued an economic forecast that suggested the US economy would contract by 6.5% this year before expanding by 5% in 2021.


Dan Deming, managing director at investment company KKM Financial, told CNBC Thursday that the market’s downturn suggests that “maybe the market got ahead of itself” and anticipated a quick economic recovery after COVID-19-related lockdown measures began to be lifted.


“You’re seeing the psychology in the market get retested today,” he said. “The reality is this thing’s going to linger longer than probably the market had [thought] of.”


Adding onto the downward spiral, the 10-year US Treasury note yield dropped to 0.67%, and oil prices slumped by over 7%.

US Surpasses 2 Million COVID-19 Cases


Thursday’s downfall came on the heels of new data that revealed the US has confirmed more than 2 million COVID-19 cases, and that more than 113,000 deaths from the disease have been recorded in the Land of the Free, according to the latest figures provided by Johns Hopkins University.


At least 20 states from Florida to California have reported seeing increases in COVID-19 cases after having eased restrictions initially imposed to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.


Bill Miller, a doctor and senior associate dean for research at Ohio State University’s College of Public Health, told NPR that the lifting of COVID-19-related restrictions was ultimately giving Americans a false sense of security.


“As places have been opening up, many people are taking it as a message that everything is OK and back to normal,” he said. "I'm definitely worried that we're going to see some upswings, maybe not everywhere, but in many places across the country."


All 50 US states began lifting restrictions in May.–/


Anon posted the 666 marker in the market yesterday and like clock work we have an 1800 or 6x6x6 drop…..the more you know

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.9577478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Trolls US: 'Leave Syria & Deal With Your Own Problems' Amid US Domestic Mayhem


Recall that last month, shortly before George Floyd protests plunged a number of American cities into unrest and chaos which witnessed often violent confrontations between demonstrators and police, a top US envoy for Syria policy boasted "my job is to make Syria a quagmire for the Russians."


But in the wake of the raging protests, which last week created a bit of a crisis for the White House as it mulled "action" against the worsening security situation on the Capitol, Russia has gone on the offensive, demanding that US forces get out of Syria in order to handle America's own mess at home.


Specifically this was in response to a statement days ago from Assistant Secretary of State David Schenker, who called on Russia to ‘go out of the Middle East’.


“For 45 years, this has been the cornerstone of American politics – to keep Russia away from the Middle East,” he further claimed.


The Russian Embassy in the US immediately reminded Washington that the "Russian military is stationed in Syria at the invitation of its government.”


The embassy added according to TASS: “The real question here: what are the grounds for the USA to occupy several swaths of this sovereign country? As far as we know none of them are legal. Neither the legitimate authorities nor the UN Security Council sanctioned American troops deployment.”


Additionally, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the remarks "crazy" and "stupid" - and added:


"The US should leave Syria and deal with its internal crisis."

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.9577503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7631 >>7766 >>7809

Denver Man Accused Of Torturing Prisoners For Former Gambian President, Feds Say


DENVER – United States Attorney Jason R. Dunn today announced that a Gambian man residing in Denver, Colorado was indicted on torture charges stemming from his actions specifically intended to inflict severe physical pain and suffering on individuals in his custody and control in The Gambia in 2006.


The indictment was returned on June 2, 2020, charging Michael Sang Correa, 41, a national of The Gambia, with one count of conspiracy to commit torture and six counts of inflicting torture on specific individuals. The defendant made his initial appearance today before a U.S. Magistrate Judge where he was advised of his rights and the charges pending against him.


“As federal prosecutors, our mission is to seek out injustice and to hold accountable those who perpetuate it, regardless of where it occurs,” said U.S. Attorney Jason R. Dunn. “With this arrest, we are not only holding accountable a man who has allegedly committed horrific acts of torture against his own people, but demonstrating to the People of The Gambia, and indeed the entire world, that the United States stands for the rule of law and against those who abuse human rights.”


“Michael Correa allegedly committed heinous acts of violence against victim after victim in a brutal effort to coerce confessions from suspected coup plotters in The Gambia,” said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “These charges underscore that the United States will not be a safe haven for perpetrators of torture and that human rights violators will be held accountable and brought to justice.”


“Michael Correa’s case is another example of our commitment to pursue those who attempt to evade accountability for their actions by fleeing to the United States,” said Assistant Director David C. Shaw of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), National Security Investigations Division, who oversees the Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center. “HSI will continue to investigate perpetrators of torture, genocide, and other war crimes to ensure the United States does not serve as a safe haven for human rights violators.”

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.9577547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Will Send Ukraine Another $250M in Weapons, Gear and Other Aid



The Pentagon will send weapons and other military aid worth $250 million to Ukraine as part of the four-year-old Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, or USAI, defense officials announced Thursday.


The aid includes counter-artillery radars, air surveillance systems, other tactical equipment, military medical treatment, cyber defenses, “strategic communications,” according to a Thursday release by the Pentagon. Intended to help Ukraine fight the Russia-backed forces that have occupied part of the country’s eastern region since 2014, the aid aims to “enhance Ukraine’s defensive lethal capabilities and situational awareness in the maritime domain” and “counter Russian cyber offensive operations and misinformation.”


Past U.S. aid to Ukraine, which totals about $1.5 billion, has included: Javelin anti-tank missiles, retired Coast Guard cutters, unarmed drones, Harris radios, armored Humvees, and communications equipment. The U.S. has also helped to train Ukrainian special forces.


The release said the new aid re-affirms the “long-standing defense relationship between the United States and Ukraine – a critical partner on the front line of strategic competition with Russia. The United States remains steadfast in its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.”


Lucky the country is in huge debt while the pentagon keeps giving shit away

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.9577575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Spirit of Hoover’s FBI is Revived under New Cyber-Warfare Protocols


This week, the Grayzone’s Gareth Porter exposed an important strategy led by the FBI to purge the internet of alternative media outlets who question the mainstream narratives being used to shepherd society into an Orwellian post-COVID world order.


Although FBI propagandists strewn throughout mainstream media have attempted to project the idea that the corrupt days of America’s internal Gestapo operation led by J. Edgar Hoover are a thing of the past, the reality is that its days of COINTEL PRO, MK Ultra, assassinations and media manipulation of the 1960s and 1970s not only didn’t go away but only amplified their influence during the modern age of cyberwarfare.


Porter’s Insight into the FBI’s Censorship Agenda


In his June 5, 2020 article entitled ‘FBI Launches Open Attack on ‘Foreign’ Alternative Media Outlets Challenging US Foreign Policy’, Porter exposed the FBI’s recent counter-intelligence strategy which was launched in the wake of the 2016 defeat of Hillary Clinton.


Knowing that alternative media was a decisive factor in the downfall of Hillary (and her neocon backers), a vast operation was put into motion designed to convince Americans that the elections were never really legitimate in the first place because… Russia.


Four years of Russiagate contaminated the American political landscape ultimately producing both a multi-million dollar nothing burger and also one of the most dangerous reforms in counter-intelligence operations that currently threatens to render what little remains of the first amendment forever obsolete.


Countering Malign Foreign Influences in the Media


In his article, Porter begins by describing the creation of the October 2017 creation of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Counter-Intelligence Task Force which generated a new procedure for extending internet censorship to any media outlet that could be labelled a “malign foreign influence” if connected in any way to America’s major adversaries of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.


Porter describes how Facebook, Google, Twitter and Instagram promptly interfaced with the Task Force and began deleting accounts and pages of alternative media outlets who were labelled puppets of foreign actors. The biggest purge occurred in 2018 as Facebook deleted 559 pages and 251 accounts including Anti-media, the Free Thought Project and Naked Empire due to their supposed “coordinated inauthentic behaviour” tied to shadowy “malign foreign influences”.


While the American Herald Tribune was not officially listed as one of the targets during this operation, it’s de-platforming over Facebook, Instagram and Google was later admitted to have been part of the purge (more to be said on that below).

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.9577584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7687

U.S. Army Flickr Page Inadvertently Reveals New Hypersonic Weapon Concept


A new hypersonic weapon concept has emerged inadvertently on a social media page managed by U.S. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy that describes a Mach 5-plus projectile with the ability to penetrate into defended airspace and dispense a multi-role loitering air system over a target area.


The concept—labeled as the Vintage Racer Loitering Weapon System—reveals a solution to an operational problem for the Army: When high-speed munitions, such as the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), enter service with the ability to strike targets thousands of kilometers away, how will the Army find the most elusive targets, such as road-mobile launchers for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) or radars for air defense batteries?


The Vintage Racer concept, as revealed so far, suggests it may be possible to launch a hypersonic projectile into a general area without knowing the specific location of the target. As it reaches the target area, the projectile may be able to dispense a loitering air system, which is then uses its own sensors to find and identify the target. If the loitering system also carries a warhead, it may be able to strike the target by itself or transmit the target coordinates to another weapon.


Once the existence of the Vintage Racer concept appeared, a Russian expert on military-political affairs noted such an idea has been discussed as a possibility within the hypersonic weapon community.


“The fear is that [this] hypersonic ‘something’ might reach the patrol area of road-mobile ICBM launchers [after] penetrating any possible air and missile defense, and then dispense loitering submunitions that will find launchers in the forests,” said Dmitry Stefanovitch, an expert at the Moscow-based Russian International Affairs Council.


Only the broadest information about the Vintage Racer weapon is visible on the briefing paper describing the concept.


The image appears in an album of photos from the Association of the U.S. Army convention posted to McCarthy’s Flickr account last October. Most of the pictures from the event show McCarthy meeting attendees, giving speeches and receiving informal, standing pitches from industry officials in the exhibit hall.


One picture shows McCarthy standing at a table across from an unidentified industry official in the exhibit hall. The table is covered with multiple objects, including a General Atomics press release, what appears to be a model of the LRHW and a rifled barrel of a 155mm artillery gun with a hole burned through the object.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.9577640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7703

"Stupid And Ridiculous": Rabobank Says The Fed Will Cause Everything To Come Crashing Down In Epic Ruin


Powell Play


“Central banks carry out a nation's monetary policy and control its money supply, often mandated with maintaining low inflation and steady GDP growth. On a macro basis, central banks influence interest rates and participate in open market operations to control the cost of borrowing and lending throughout an economy.” Investopedia


Really? That’s how it works, is it? At this point anyone who can’t see our real economic/financial market paradigm is either foolish, ignorant, or wilfully blind. The Fed has just admitted wages can’t rise except by making very rich people very much richer for a long, long time; then, finally, they might start to go up - perhaps. Moreover, the Fed has demonstrated yet again that it not only ignores asset bubbles it will “never hold back support for the economy even if asset prices are too high” but that it wants those bubbles. How can this end well?


Look at the uneven distribution of stock holdings. Gallup states that as of 4 June 2020, 55% of the US owns some stock: 66% of those aged 50-64 and 32% of those 18-29; 58% of men and 52% of women; 64% of whites, 42% of blacks, and 28% of Hispanics; 85% of post-graduates and 33% of those with no college education. It is far from genuine equality of ownership by any means. But what Gallup does not say, and Goldman Sachs does, is that as of February this year 50% of the US stock market was owned by the top 1% of society.


Could we please have the intellectual honesty just to admit the system as it exists today functions to give more money to ultra-rich people? This is no longer a ‘free market system’. Water does not find its own level. It is channelled through canals cut by an establishment, and some fields are watered very well and others left arid. This is not ‘capitalism’ as anyone teaches or models it, where money is made from productively investing in making things. It is speculative financial-capitalism, where money is made by watching money being made by central banks, which is then channelled into the stock of firms who often don’t make things. Given the homilies that central banks are now coming out with about inequality, one could even say it is even oligarchy excreting noblesse oblige. Yet perhaps it is even worse: central banks saying “Let them eat stocks.”


For those who roll out the cliché: “Well, the central-bank toolkit only allows X, Y, or Z – what can they do?” consider that these toolkits seem to expand on a weekly basis – but never in a direction that means wages will go up ahead of assets. Never. All the feverish innovation goes into new channels to get house prices up, or stocks, or sovereign or junk bonds (some of which are the same thing).


Yes, Powell did say more needs to be done on the fiscal side. What we did NOT get was a clear message aimed at the public, who would then demand it of their government: “Spend more on infrastructure, and/or national security supply-chain on-shoring, and/or social programs to narrow inequality: we will buy all the bonds needed to pay for it.” You know, “Whatever it takes” – but this time for the many and not the few. It was more of a “Whatever” as the Fed described a bleak future US economic landscape where many millions of jobs may never come back…and the response is still to channel more money to the rich via asset bubbles.


Meanwhile, and far from unrelated, in Seattle six city blocks have been seized by protestors. As the Seattle Times notes “Welcome to the CHAZ, the newly named Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, where most everything was free Tuesday. Free snacks at the No-Cop Co-op. Free gas masks from some guy’s sedan. Free speech at the speaker’s circle, where anyone could say their piece. A free documentary movie — Ava DuVernay’s “13th” — showing after dark. A Free Capitol Hill, according to no shortage of spray paint on building facades.” When the rich get everything free, why shouldn’t everyone else? It’s a good question. Some people aren’t waiting for MMT from on high – they are trying to get it moving themselves.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.9577705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LBC star James O'Brien gloats 'we've got our station back' after Nigel Farage 'quits station in contract row leaving them with just hours to fill his evening radio slot'


The arch-Brexiteer, 56, has hosted his own hourly evening slot from Monday to Thursdays since 2017

On Tuesday he likened Black Lives Matter protesters to the Taliban during a fiery television debate

LBC downplayed the departure but his own producer Christian Mitchell said he had been blindsided

Fellow presenter James O'Brien gloatingly tweeted 'We got our station back' following the announcement

Iain Dale has been forced to come on air early and thrash together a four-hour programme to plug the gap


Nigel Farage has quit his LBC show 'with immediate effect' following talks with station executives, the broadcaster announced this afternoon.


The arch-Brexiteer is refusing to see out the remainder of his time with the station after being informed his popular evening show was to be wound down.


Bosses were understood to be caught flat-footed by his sudden departure and left scrambling to find a replacement for tonight's show.


His usual 6-7pm show this evening has been merged into Iain Dale's regular slot, which has been extended by an hour to become a four-hour show.


Mr Farage denied claims he stepped down from the station following a furious row with bosses, and told MailOnline he will not be commenting any further at this time.


The arch-Brexiteer leaves the broadcaster two days after he likened Black Lives Matter protesters to the Taliban during a fiery television debate.


LBC downplayed the departure and insisted Mr Farage's current contract was ending, but his own producer Christian Mitchell suggested he had been blindsided, tweeting: 'Hearing this on social media…'


The station this afternoon tweeted: 'Nigel Farage's contract with LBC is up very shortly and, following discussions with him, Nigel is stepping down from LBC with immediate effect.


'We thank Nigel for the enormous contribution he has made to LBC and wish him well.'


Yet fellow LBC presenter James O'Brien, a vehement critic of both Brexit and Mr Farage, gleefully tweeted: 'We got our station back'.


The pair tangled in a spectacular on-air bust-up in 2014 during an interview which centred on alleged racism in Ukip.


Mr O'Brien further rubbed salt in the wounds by tweeting a link to the interview and sarcastically writing 'thoughts and prayers'.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.9577722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Depopulation globalist Melinda Gates already pushing experimental COVID-19 vaccines on “people of color” as the target group to vaccinate first


A friend texted me a short message this morning. “You called it!” That’s because just a few days after I said the COVID-19 vaccine would be used to target black people with a depopulation “kill switch” injection, Melinda Gates came right out and stated that the new vaccines should be administered with a priority preference for “people of color.” (See source below.)


Right from the start, it’s a bigoted assertion. If vaccines are safe and effective, then Melinda Gates is essentially saying, “white lives don’t matter.” But if vaccines are risky and dangerous — which this new covid-19 vaccine is almost certain to be — she’s essentially saying it’s okay to run medical experiments on black Americans to find out what happens.


Black people are almost always the guinea pigs for the medical experiments of the globalists, of course. You don’t even have to look very hard to see the history of government-backed Big Pharma and vaccine experiments on black soldiers, black prisoners and black civilians, both in the United States as well as across Africa.


Seeing the very same people who promote global depopulation — Bill and Melinda Gates — now suddenly urging COVID-19 vaccine “equality” efforts to make sure all the black people are vaccinated first is raising eyebrows across black America. Most notably among Nation of Islam followers who are arguably more aware than anyone else about how white, rich globalists have been waging a war of genocide against black people for at least three generations.

Anonymous ID: d4e424 June 11, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.9577746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7764 >>7784

Trump OKs sanctioning ICC staff, Netanyahu applauds move


The order would block the financial assets of court employees and bar them from entering the United States; Netanyahu accused the court of fabricating “outlandish charges” against Israel and the U.S.


In a broadside against the International Criminal Court, President Donald Trump on Thursday authorized economic and travel sanctions against court workers investigating American troops and intelligence officials and those of allied nations, including Israel, for possible war crimes in Afghanistan and elsewhere.