Make Slavery Great Again: Support BLM!
It's all fun and games until the statue you're kicking down falls on a black man's head and there is no police or EMT around to save him from your stupidity. You can see the shock on the faces of the 4 "protesters" who saw the man on the concrete convulsing and bleeding profusely from his fractured skull while the band plays on and the crowd cheers. Not a single word in any newspaper this morning about the man's condition. I thought black lives mattered? I guess we are left to conclude that the man is either dead or in a coma and reporting such news might "hurt the movement", you know, the flow of white guilt ransom payments, I mean "donations" to BLM, which we learned last night are all funneled 100% to the Democratic Party slush fund. When will people learn that the reason that we memorialize bad history is so that future generations don’t repeat our former mistakes? When will people who are supporting the BLM front group realize that the globalists who created it want to bring back slavery, not only for black people, but for all of us? Think I am joking? Thanks to Hussein and Hillary’s “Arab Spring”, the globalists have already succeeded in bringing back open slave markets in Northern Africa.
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