When you keep on making it rain
And rain
And then rain some more
Eventually that downpour
Becomes a flood
When you keep on making it rain
And rain
And then rain some more
Eventually that downpour
Becomes a flood
H is …. in Morse Code
Shine A Light….
Hillary is first to be arrested.
C before D
Clinton Discovery will cause Hillary to pull down all of DC with here
CD before DC
It's all in this video.
Need to get local people to comment on that
kills half of those infected
Either its another case of only the very old and sick being counted as infected
Or they just made it up.
Mosquito Brewing Northeast
Equine = horse
Something symbolic must be going on here.
Of course they are part of the plan.
Their strongly non-partisan statements get huge percentages of liberals saying
YES!!! We agree with these guys.
So now those liberals have planted their stake on middle ground, non-partisan ground.
That is bi-partisan ground
So when Mattis of McChrystal or some other military guy comes out with PARTISAN statements they are not gonna look good, are they.
And they certainly are not gonna find much support among liberals
Who have bought into the idea
Of America under assault by foreign foes
Protected by a strong non-partisan military
Remember that there is Corruption in the Republican ranks too.
In Trump's rallies in the past, he has hammered the fact that he was an outsider
So I think we can expect even more of that leading up to November.
None of this damages POTUS.
There is a slow steady movement of liberals
Waking up, and moving to support POTUS in some way or other.
Baby steps.
But very effective nonetheless.
By Nov 3rd all we need is to convert Dem voters
To NOT vote for Dems.