No offense but the same thing has been said about nearly every high-ranking officer and/or cabinet member, the data really trends against this line of thinking. However, "The Plan" is all about thinking for yourself and using critical thinking and logic, and if you feel you've applied all such faculties to come to that opinion, I gladly recognize that is your right.
The writing is on the wall, there is going to be a move by factions of the US military against the President, most likely in conjunction with UN forces (France leading the way wouldn't surprise me one bit), link up of forces will be through Canada in to "hot-spots" like Minneapolis/CHAZ
General Milley is a big boy, if he is a super-secret patriot then he can certainly handle a meme from some anon, but if he isn't "part of the plan" maybe hearing that members of the General public can see what is developing gives him and/or other members of the US military pause when the moment of truth arrives, so that they "remember their oaths"