Anonymous ID: 53db72 June 11, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.9581038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1069



>what is the synagogoue of satan


>These scholars point out that John actually says that though they claim to be Jews they are not and suggest that Gentile followers of Paul fit this description rather well. They >claim the Jewish heritage but with no real standing, either in ethnicity or practice


Incorrect, they were not followers of Paul. First, it is the Alpha and the Omega, Christ, who used that phrase. John isn't the author. He simply took the dictation. Christ Himself appointed Paul, therefore this cannot be the meaning. The meaning must be centered in the theme of the Revelation itself. The letters set the stage to explain the sorts of doctrines indicating apostasy. That the Harlot is called "BABYLON" is pointing to the history available in the Old Testament when the Jews of old sought the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, and for that abomination, they were made desolate, sent into captivity to Babylon. Jews of Jesus's day, although not seeking the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, retained the added doctrines and traditions of those same apostates of old, who had slain the Prophets rebuking them. Christ called these sorts of Jews, Of your father the Devil. This alone shows Jesus calling apostate Jews who believed they were serving God, a synagogue of Satan, by being of their father (teacher), the Devil.


This shows the Harlot will have done the same sort of apostasy, seeking the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, and as an adulteress against Christ, would be desolate and set upon her own foundation, as is demonstrated in Zech. 5.


Both the apostates from among the Jews of old and those from among the Gentiles, while seeking the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, continued to consider themselves as following God. The Jewish apostates of old, considered themselves rightstanding Jews, but in seeking those abominations, they were disinherited (desolated) from God's Inheritance. They were no longer considered His children, and thus, while claiming to be Jews, were no longer Jews. In the same way, Gentile apostates seeking the abominations, while claiming to be serving God, are doing no such thing. The phrase can certainly be applied to apostate Gentiles because Paul himself explains a one is a Jew inwardly, and not outwardly simply because of his physical circumcision, a sign of citizenship.


Both believing Jews and believing Gentiles, in Christ, have been circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, a circumcision required to be a citizen of the Heavenly Zion.


In short, Jews who say they are Jews and are not by following doctrines and traditions of their apostate forebears; and Gentiles who seek the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, as the old apostate Jews had done, say they are following God, but are of the Synagogue of Satan.