Anonymous ID: beede8 June 11, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.9580503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0510

GOP-led Senate panel authorizes subpoenas of top Obama officials

By Jeremy Herb, CNN 4 hrs ago


CNN wrote about it.


Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified more documents Thursday and a Senate panel approved a wide-ranging authorization to subpoena former Obama administration officials as Republicans ratcheted up their efforts to scrutinize the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russia and President Donald Trump's team.


The twin efforts show that congressional Republicans are marching forward with their probes into the origins of the probe and former special counsel Robert Mueller's appointment while Congress grapples with both the coronavirus pandemic and police reform efforts sparked by the nationwide protests following the killing of George Floyd.


The Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines Thursday to authorize subpoenas to more than 50 officials who served in the Obama administration, including top officials like former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former FBI Director James Comey.

The subpoenas are part of Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham's investigation into the origins of the FBI's Russia investigation and the abuses uncovered by the Justice Department inspector general tied to foreign surveillance warrants obtained on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, is conducting a similar investigation, and his committee voted last week along party lines for a subpoena authorization to many of the same officials from the Obama administration.


The Senate Republican investigations have been boosted by a stream of documents declassified first by former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, and now by Ratcliffe, who succeeded Grenell last month following his Senate confirmation.

Those documents have focused both on the investigation and prosecution of Trump's first national security adviser Michael Flynn who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in 2017, before the Justice Department moved last month to dismiss the charges and the opposition research dossier compiled by ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele.

Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, released Thursday the classified annex of the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election and sought to help Trump's campaign. Ratcliffe declassified the document Wednesday with some redactions and provided it to Congress.

The two-page document, which Comey briefed to Trump when he was President-elect in January 2017, included a summary of the intelligence reports that Steele had provided to the FBI. While Steele is not mentioned by name, the document says an "FBI source" collected the information on behalf of private clients. It was added as a classified annex to the Intelligence Community Assessment following an internal debate about what to do with it, the Senate Intelligence Committee found in its review.

The material largely summarizes what's already known about the Steele dossier: that Steele concluded Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the interference efforts, which was backed up by the intelligence assessment, and that he made unverified claims Trump advisers were colluding with Russians and the Kremlin had "kompromat" on Trump.

The declassified document states the FBI had "only limited corroboration" of the reports and that the information was not used in the assessment that detailed Russia's election interference and the Kremlin's preference for Trump.

The Justice Department inspector general faulted the FBI for the use of Steele's dossier to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants on Page, although the inspector general said the dossier was not part of the decision to open the counterintelligence investigation into Trump's team and Russia.



Anonymous ID: beede8 June 11, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.9580510   🗄️.is 🔗kun







The inspector general report, released in December, is the jumping off point for the investigations Graham and Grassley are now conducting. Both have said they could release reports outlining their committees' findings before the November election.

At Thursday's Judiciary Committee debate, Republicans rejected a host of amendments offered by Democrats to also issue subpoena to key Trump officials from the Mueller investigation, including Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Trump confidante Roger Stone.

Democrats said that the committee didn't hear from the officials they were seeking, and their testimony was important to understanding why the FBI and Mueller's team conducted their investigations. The votes failed along party lines.

Graham argued the officials in question were already interviewed by Mueller's team, and that Mueller was allowed to complete his work without interference. Graham said his probe was designed to look at why the counterintelligence investigation into members of Trump's team was opened to begin with and "why every time they should have stopped, they continued."


"If there's nothing there, then I'll have egg on my face, but I'm going to promise to the American people we're going to get to why everybody ran stop signs all the time," Graham said.

Graham said he was willing to agree to Democrats' requests to bring in Mueller or members of his team to testify on the investigation, and he also planned to hold a hearing with Justice Department officials explaining their decisions on Flynn's case once it's concluded. That included, Graham said, allowing the testimony of the court-appointed former judge who wrote Wednesday that the Justice Department's handling of the Flynn prosecution was a "gross abuse of prosecutorial power" and argued Flynn should be sentenced for lying.

Graham is planning to hold a hearing on policing next week as lawmakers consider police reforms. But Democrats on Thursday questioned the committee's focus on the Russia investigation instead of policing matters.

"If we devote our attention to this investigation, the subpoenas that the committee is asking to do today and the power to issue those subpoenas, we are going to distract ourselves from that obligation and opportunity to really reform our criminal justice system," said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat.



Anonymous ID: beede8 June 11, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.9580631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0680


>Tucker just had the Undercover nurse, Erin, from Elmhurst hospital on telling people about the story of Elmhurst killing people on purpose. People need to be shown the video released yesterday on


MISSED IT. anybody have the clip?

Anonymous ID: beede8 June 11, 2020, 6:06 p.m. No.9580699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0727


>Tucker just had the Undercover nurse, Erin, from Elmhurst hospital on telling people about the story of Elmhurst killing people on purpose. People need to be shown the video released yesterday on

video in this tweet