Anonymous ID: f23580 June 11, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.9580504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0513 >>0523 >>0533 >>0550 >>0563 >>0595 >>0613 >>0744 >>0887 >>0958 >>1030


Kente Cloth/Elite Ashanti/Sexism and the Pre-European Slave Trade


"KENTE: Not Just any old cloth"

"Kente cloth is deeply intertwined with the history of the Ashanti nation." The author points out that despite its humble beginnings " …Kente cloth, which was associated with Ashanti royalty, was made of silk during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries." The silk used to make the Kente Cloth was brought to "Ashanti Kingdoms" via the "trans-Saharan trade route". "This trade route which dated back to at least 300 BCE crossed some of the most barren and desolate land in the world. The dangers of this crossing, even when traders used caravans of camels, were such that any and all goods transported this way came with a hefty price tag." As you can see only the elites could afford silk Kente Cloth.

The author explains that, "Ashanti women purchased the silk brought by these caravans but Kente cloth was woven only by men, as woman’s menstrual cycles were thought to interfere with the production of the cloth."

Third strike on Kente Cloth is that it is intertwined with the slave trade. The author says, "In fact, the history of the Ashanti people, who lived on the West Coast of Africa, is strongly tied to the history of the slave trade."

As you can see, Kente Cloth is linked to elitism, sexism and the slave trade.

Anonymous ID: f23580 June 11, 2020, 5:44 p.m. No.9580523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0744 >>0887 >>0958 >>1030




Kente Cloth/Elite Ashanti/Sexism and the Pre-European Slave Trade continued.


According to Britannica, the Ahsanti Empire (also spelled Asante) has a history mired in the slave trade. It was a "West African state that occupied what is now southern Ghana in the 18th and 19th centuries." Britannica says, "From the beginning of the 18th century, the Asante supplied slaves to British and Dutch traders on the coast; in return they received firearms with which to enforce their territorial expansion."

Anonymous ID: f23580 June 11, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.9580533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0744 >>0887 >>0958 >>1030




Kente Cloth/Elite Ashanti/Sexism and the Pre-European Slave Trade continued.


"Pre-European Slave Trade"

Britannica says that the Ashanti owned and traded slaves before they had contact with Europeans. "This situation had first arisen, and at a very early stage, in the trans-Saharan trade. Labour was needed to work the Saharan salt deposits, and the civilizations of the Mediterranean and Middle East had long had a demand for slaves. Some North African and Middle Eastern exports, particularly perhaps horses, were so valuable in the Sudan that its kings were quite ready to exchange some of their scarce human power to secure these."

Anonymous ID: f23580 June 11, 2020, 5:50 p.m. No.9580563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0744 >>0887 >>0958 >>1030




Kente Cloth/Elite Ashanti/Sexism and the Pre-European Slave Trade continued.


Kente Cloth even found its way into the John Podesta's 2015 emails.


This causes Anon to wonder who was behind the Kente Cloth virtue signaling displayed by some in Congress.


Nancy and Kente Cloth.


Nancy and Kente Cloth.