Lindsey Graham is a do nothing faggot who will never hold the deep state accountable. Take it to the bank, Lindsey won't do a damn thing other than appear on Hannity.
Hannity and Lindsey Graham have been talking shit about the deep state for years. Neither have accomplished a fucking thing. Lindsey is an all talk faggot who is too busy having anal sex to arrest the traitors.
Q is a psyop to keep us from killing the Democrats and saving America. Anons got played big time.
Anons DO NOT engage the democrats in the streets. Let them keep attacking conservatives, kill police officers, pull down our statues, erase history, riot, look, burn down cities, etc. Trust the plan. Those arrests are coming soon….. lmao.
They've all lost respect for Trump. Can't blame them. Trump has been sitting on his fucking ass doing absolutely nothing while violent marxists terrorize America and destroy our landmarks. Trump should fucking resign and give Pence a chance.
When Democrats get pissed at government:
Rioting, looting, killing police officers, pulling down 100+ year old statues, erasing history, defacing war memorials, nationwide boycotts, burning cities, insurrection, occupy city blocks, gaslight the rest of America, target political opponents without hesitation, full 100% support from key political party leadership, caused millions of dollars worth of damage, etc.
When Republicans get pissed at government:
Zero arrests, zero prosecutions, nothing….
……………….trust the plan.