Fact #1: Only about 2% of police-citizen interactions result in any use of force or threat of force.
This figure includes even very minor uses “force” such as grabbing, pushing, and handcuffing. The overwhelming majority of these types of force result in no injury. Using this very broad definition of force in almost every arrest would result in a reportable use of force.
Fact #2: Fatal shootings by police officers are extraordinarily rare (about 0.0004% of police contacts) and are declining.
Law enforcement agencies are as focused as they have ever been on finding alternatives to situations that would previously have resulted in deadly force. Police are adopting training that focuses on de-escalating volatile situations and recognizing and responding to mental illness in new and innovative ways. Officers are increasingly equipped with less-lethal alternatives, such as Tasers. Employing new training and technology have, in some cases, prevented the need for deadly force.
Fact #3: Though better data collection is necessary, multiple studies suggest that race is not a factor in deadly force decisions by police officers. What’s more, only 8 out of 1,000 fatal police shooting incidents in 2019 involved individuals reported as “unarmed” black people. The term “unarmed” does not imply that there was insufficient legal basis for police to use deadly force, only that media reports indicated the person was unarmed.
Fact #4: The Department of Justice, while President Barack Obama was still in office, determined that the “hands up, don’t shoot” rallying cry, popularized after the shooting death of Michael Brown, was a manufactured narrative. The DOJ report further determined that Brown attempted to disarm the police officer and that the officer acted in reasonable self-defense.
So, here’s the 2018 breakdown of the 995 people shot and killed by the police.
403 were white, 210 were black, 148 were Hispanic, 38 were classified as other, and 199 were classified as unknown.
Out of that 995, 47 were unarmed — 23 were white, 17 were black, 5 were Hispanic, and 2 were unknown.
Out of the 30-50 million interactions that the police had with the American public last year, 10 million people were arrested, and less than 0.01 percent were shot and killed by the police. Out of those 10 million people arrested, 47 of those shot and killed were unarmed, which equates to 0.00047 percent, 17 of which were black.
Remarkably, for the race baiting, cop hating, left-wing propagandists that promote the social theory that all police officers are relentlessly targeting and gunning down unarmed people of color, these statistics prove those claims could not be farther from the truth. The reality is that out of the 10,000,000 arrests made last year in the U.S., 17 black people shot and killed by the police were unarmed, which equates to 0.00017 percent