Serious question:
If Deep State fake whole Covid situation, with cooperation with China, Bill Gates, Fauci, WHO, GS, and their whole end plan was lockdown/destroying economy, and winning 2020 elections
then why
did they put out this George Floyd plan out?
Like for real, if they played this part about epidemics longer, MAYBE, jut maybe, it would worked.
But instead, this riots/lootings/destroyings/defund pilice/anarchy thing is basically telling whole world that Covid is FAKE AS FUCK.
Now WHO, Fauci and all actors are admitting that you CAN protest in large numbers and dont keep social distancing IF you are protesting.
No fucking logic at all. Even full low IQ people dont trust this pandemics now. Thanks to riots.
My question is, why did they start those riots now? So long before elections. As we know, poeple are forgeting very fast, so in a month or so, every single liberal, Antifa, MeToo Holyywood will have another retarded themes to speak about.
Were they forced to put out this riots sooner then they wanted? It is too weak, from beginning. When i try to understand those things, only this is coming out of whole situation to my mind: Patriots are in full control.
We are watching a movie/s.